[email protected] Posted December 6, 2014 Posted December 6, 2014 Does anyone know how to map that file back to the f' key. my chat button is the q key and cant use this mod anymore. i would loe to use it. Quote
Administrator Aslain Posted December 7, 2014 Administrator Posted December 7, 2014 Edit BalCalc.xml, <BalCalcKey>16</BalCalcKey> This might help Приложение 1. Коды клавиш. <символ> = код 1 = 2 2 = 3 3 = 4 4 = 5 5 = 6 6 = 7 7 = 8 8 = 9 9 = 10 0 = 11 Q = 16 W = 17 E = 18 R = 19 T = 20 Y = 21 U = 22 I = 23 O = 24 P = 25 A = 30 S = 31 D = 32 F = 33 G = 34 H = 35 J = 36 K = 37 L = 38 Z = 44 X = 45 C = 46 V = 47 B = 48 N = 49 M = 50 F1 = 59 F2 = 60 F3 = 61 F4 = 62 F5 = 63 F6 = 64 F7 = 65 F8 = 66 F9 = 67 F10 = 68 F11 = 87 F12 = 88 F13 = 100 F14 = 101 F15 = 102 MOUSE0 = 256 #ЛКМ MOUSE1 = 257 #ПКМ MOUSE2 = 258 #СКМ MOUSE3 = 259 MOUSE4 = 260 MOUSE5 = 261 MOUSE6 = 262 MOUSE7 = 263 Quote
he_who_shot Posted December 7, 2014 Posted December 7, 2014 Would it be good if there's an option to the new version, where one would be the default "F", or another option Mouse 3/ Middle Button on the mouse :) Quote
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