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balcalc mod

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Edit BalCalc.xml,  <BalCalcKey>16</BalCalcKey>



This might help


Приложение 1. Коды клавиш.
<символ> = код
1 = 2
2 = 3
3 = 4
4 = 5
5 = 6
6 = 7
7 = 8
8 = 9
9 = 10
0 = 11
Q = 16
W = 17
E = 18
R = 19
T = 20
Y = 21
U = 22
I = 23
O = 24
P = 25
A = 30
S = 31
D = 32
F = 33
G = 34
H = 35
J = 36
K = 37
L = 38
Z = 44
X = 45
C = 46
V = 47
B = 48
N = 49
M = 50
F1 = 59
F2 = 60
F3 = 61
F4 = 62
F5 = 63
F6 = 64
F7 = 65
F8 = 66
F9 = 67
F10 = 68
F11 = 87
F12 = 88
F13 = 100
F14 = 101
F15 = 102
MOUSE0 = 256 #ЛКМ
MOUSE1 = 257 #ПКМ
MOUSE2 = 258 #СКМ
MOUSE3 = 259
MOUSE4 = 260
MOUSE5 = 261
MOUSE6 = 262
MOUSE7 = 263

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