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[] Acme Tank Icons

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Posted (edited)

These contour and 3D icons and Battle and  Vehicle Marker Atlases

are tuned to the info I want to see at a glance:
basic class, tier, nationality, and name,

and reminder marks for potential auto-loaders, wheeled tanks, and turreted TDs and SPGs.

Perhaps you'll find them useful too. Ready for


Sample (Vehicle/battle atlas contour friend and opponent, 3D):



Samples, readme, and compressed res_mods directory available to download now here:



or when it gets approved by WGMods.net at:



Acme Tank Icons
for World of Tanks version

These icons were created using TankIconMaker v059-b183 by AstaRom
derived from http://roman.st/TankIconMaker?lang=en


To install,
copy the res_mods directory to your World of Tanks directory, typically


The tank types are color-coded:
LT: Green
MT: Olive
HT: Red
TD: Blue
SPG: Purple


Tier and national symbol are shown on each icon.
    The Chinese symbol (red star with thin yellow boundary)
        is replaced by a yellow star for better contrast.
For premium tanks the Tier number is colored gold (yellow)
For special tanks the Tier number is colored red


On the BattleAtlas and vehicleMarkerAtlas:
   Tanks with an auto-loader at some level have a black asterisk
   Tanks with an auto-loader as the top gun also have a blue asterisk
   TDs and SPGs with turrets have a yellow asterisk
   LTs with wheels have an orange asterisk


3D icons are used in the tech tree and in the post-battle screens.
Contour icons are used at the pre-battle screen and the in-battle screen.
    BattleAtlas and vehicleMarkerAtlas are contour with tank names
    BattleAtlasEnemy and vehicleMarkerAtlasEnemy face left (Aslain uses)

In some screens WoT code writes additional information: tank name and tier


XVM is not required (but won't cause problems).

You can reach me on the forum: WileECoyote_PhD

gl hf

Edited by WileECoyote_PhD
update for

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