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Stronghold bug

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This is my conf whit which I get everything Black in strongholds. Not sure which causing it because verybody doesn't have that propblem.

Selected components:
      -------------------[ Aslain's XVM mod v4.1.0 ]------------------------------------------
         Color Scheme
            Green vs. Violet (CB)
         Vehicle Contour Icons [DLC]
            Default icons
         --------------------[ Other XVM Settings ]-------------------------------------------
            Panels & Windows by Aslain (in-battle)
               Battle loading window
                  Simple battleloading (with vehicle names)
               Statistics tab (under Tab key)
                  Simple Statistics Tab (with vehicle names)
               Players Panel
                  Background transparency
                     15 (strong)
                  Display Clan Icons
                  Enemy spotted markers
                  Large panel
                     Simple panel #1
                  Medium panel (default)
            ----------------------[ XVM Minimap ]-----------------------------------------------
               Show 50m auto-detection circle (turquoise)
               Show 445m maximum detection range circle (yellow)
               Show 500m maximum drawing distance square (red)
               Show detection range dynamic (blue)
               Show gun traverse lines
               Labels on the minimap
                  Show vehicle names only
               Enable minimap zoom on button:
            ----------------------[ Hitlog Settings ]----------------------------------------------
               Default XVM hitlog
               Show HP log (under ALT key)
            Skip intro movie
            Show latency to the servers (ping)
            Favorite Server (remembers selected login server)
            The XVM player statistics
               Rating scale
                  6 colors by Aslain (based on XVM)
               Player rating formula (WN8 by default)
            ----------------- [ The 6th Sense settings ]-----------------------------------
               Custom icons
            ---------------------[ The hangar XVM settings ]-----------------------------------
               The price button in the tech tree & research page
               The mastery mark in the tech tree
               Display hangar clock
               Multilined Tank Carousel by XVM
                  2 rows
                  Scale of carousel cells
                     0.8 (smaller)
            Update checker for Aslain's XVM ModPack
      ------------------------------[ The Mod Pack ]---------------------------------------
         Camera scripts [settings]
            Zoom settings
               30x (6 steps, 2-30)
               Zoom-out (extends default zoom out range)
                  500m away max
               Disable gun shake effect after shot
               Scope Shadow Remover
               Show extra zoom indicator on crosshair
         Autoaim indication
         ----------------------[ Crosshair mods ]------------------------------------------
               J1mB0's Crosshair v1.43
            ServerCross (must be enabled in game menu too)
            Battle Assistant for SPG (activation 'G' key)
         Damage Panels
            Damage Panel GambitER 0.9.4
               Position of the hit notification
                  on the left
         -----------------------[ Garage mods ]----------------------------------------
            Session Statistics
               Locastan's session stats
                  regular stats
         ---------------------[ Various mods ]-----------------------------------------
            XVM's clan icons addon
               Top 150 clans (2014.12.05)


Hi all,many of our clan had this same issue last night on a stronghold defense,after we had lost our games we went into the pubbies and everything was normal.Could it be a stronghold problem only?cheers


I'd like to +1 this bug.  I have the basic Aslain mod 4.1.0_95 installed.  Modified the hitlog x value, the hangar carousel, and that's about it. 


The mod works fine for public matches, but in Strongholds, I get a black dots on all tanks in the minimap, just like the clip above.  Please let me know if there is a fix.

  • Administrator

Maybe some mod is causing this, I have no idea, I dont play strongholds at all. Maybe try without AutoAim, or SpotIndicator otherwise no clue.

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