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Running Lights custom graphics by X33STORM

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Just wanted to share these custom graphics i made for running lights, hoped you might include them in your pack.


Done a lot of custom stuff i just use myself, but i find these are really nifty compared to the default and custom ones, so i wanted to share them.

Haven't posted them anywhere else, so you have first pick :) I'm on EU server, and those mod boards are pretty much deserted, so figured i'd have better luck here.


Here they are:



Goes best with running lights using the following settings:


    <glow color="0x4f4f4f" alpha="0.0" x="3" y="3" strength="0"/>
    <!--shadow color="0x00FF00" alpha="0.0" x="5" y="5" strength="0" angle="60" distance="10"/-->


Also btw, if you should want, you have every permission to use my Red vs Blue tracers, already included in the Proships modpack.


Thanks for all your work on your great pack.




Edited by X33STORM
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