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XVM coloring in OTM

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First - thanks very much for the incredible work in your mod pack; it is amazing.  :)


Second - how can I get the name of the tank's Over-Tank-Marker to use XVM coloring instead of the "blue=TD, Beige=med, etc" style?   Am I missing a setting in the config, or does that require a little tweaking of an .xc file?


Thanks again,


Kermit_Killer NA

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  • Administrator

What color would you like to use instead of tank class color?


Yeah you would have to edit and tweak some .xc files from XVM, reponsible for OTM.




I was hoping that the name of tank would use the XVM rating and reflect that in the color of the tank name that shows above the tank.


Currently, I have the star that shows player rating, but I would like the whole name to reflect their rating to make it more obvious.




- KK

  • Administrator

Well basicaly edit markersAliveNormal.xc, markersAliveExtended.xc: 


Finde something like this, next to textfields:


          "textFields": [
              "alpha": "100",
              "color": "{{c:vtype}}",
              "font": { "align": "center", "bold": true, "italic": false, "name": "Calibri", "size": 15 },
              "format": "{{vehicle}}",
              "shadow": { "alpha": 100, "angle": 0, "color": "0x000000", "distance": 1, "size": 5, "strength": 650 },
              "visible": true,
              "x": 0,
              "y": -39
Now change               "color": "{{c:vtype}}", to               "color": "{{c:wn8}}",

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