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YasenKrasen stats [CZ Translation - rdim]

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Hello, I'm creating a CZ translation into YK stats. 


Version: V1,V2,V3,V4,V5 – translated, auto reset

7KoZybKKID.jpg 4b76.png 8Z7oqPdNsu.jpg NKhe.png


Version: V2 Rdim Config – translated, my config (lighter font color; winrate% color by xvm; rows removed: Bons, AvgTier, Defence, Cap, Efficiency), auto reset

QPSIO9d1TP.jpg 4b76.png 8Z7oqPdNsu.jpg NKhe.png


Version: V2 Rdim Config mini – translated, my config (lighter font color; winrate% color by xvm; rows removed: Services, Bons, AvgTier, Defence, Cap, Efficiency, Kills, Deaths, Spotted, Damage D., Damage R), auto reset

lSmv.png 4b76.png 8Z7oqPdNsu.jpg NKhe.png


Version: V1 - BETA,V2- BETA,V3- BETA,V4- BETA,V5- BETA – translated, auto reset




7KoZybKKID.jpg 4b76.png 8Z7oqPdNsu.jpg NKhe.png


Link: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/635568-091902-yasenkrasen-statistiky-cz-rdim-1-05072017/




Edited by rdim
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22 minutes ago, Aslain said:

Could you translate beta addons config as well? I can add it to the modpack, but when someone is installing beta addons it will be displayed in english or polish only. 

I will look at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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