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Damage Meter - Correct editing ?

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So i've been having a few UI problems, and i'm trying to narrow down if any of my customizations are at fault.


I've been using this edit for a while, it works as it should, but not sure if it leaves some code with nowhere to go.


It just removes the "Damage Taken", so only "Damage Done" shows, saving up much needed UI space.

I just commented out the instances of "OwnLog" & "DamageMeterOwnRow" in DamageMeter.xml.



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				<bind name="text" value="' (+' + lastDamage + ')'"/>
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			<bind name="controller" value="com.monstrofil.controllers.DamageMeterController"/>
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            <block className="EnemyLog"> <!--  -->             
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						<bind name="repeat" value="damagedEntities; 'DamageMeterEnemyRow'; {}"/>
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            <!--block className="OwnLog">                        
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						<bind name="repeat" value="damagedMeEntities; 'DamageMeterOwnRow'; {}"/>
						<position value="absolute"/>
						<param name="name" value="OLDragZone"/>




Edited by X33STORM

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