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Issues with HP circles on minimap and Crashing to desktop when leaving battle

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Just installed v.14 

I first noticed the mini map, instead of HP circles, I see vertical bars (see attached screen shot).  Also, once tank is destroyed, if I leave battle to head back to the garage... the game instead crashes to desktop...



  • Administrator

Try to reinstall the modpack with admin rights. (launch it as administrator). Maybe the "dynamic" font hasn't been installed correctly or at all. 


well, that seemed to fix the crashing to desktop when leaving battle issue.  But the HP circles are still messed up.  I also noticed issue with XVM when loading into battle... 


I previously was using version #09 of your modpack and I did not have this issue.  So I tried reinstalling #09, but the issue persisted.  So something from XVM carried over.  


And thank you for your time looking into this.  It's appreciated. 


When you have a chance, will you point me to specific folder to check fonts?   I have used your modpack for a long time, I've never come across this issue before.  


Thanks again!  


I just installed the latest modpack (#16b) with the update to XVM 7.7.10-dev [8739] and it seems to have resolved my issues.


Thank you for your time and effort in assisting me.



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