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problem when playing tier 8 or tier 10!!!!

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good morning!!!

Every time frontline battles are enabled, if I try to play tier 8 or tier 10, in the middle of the screen at the top, I blink and the campaign campaign icons flash. Besides that if I turn the look, it slows down, I see the fps and ping well. If they kill me and I start watching the battle in another tank, the problem disappears. If I play in tier 6 or 7 this problem doesn't happen to me. for what is this?
The other time that front line battles were enabled and once that event ended, a few days passed and the problem disappeared.
The YasenKrasen session stats background has changed me. It doesn't come out the same as if I select it in the installer. And it appears updated.

I hope you understand something since I have used the google translator.

Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience.

a greeting
PD: my server is EU
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I have already solved a part of the problem which was playing in tier 8 or 10. When playing, the missions of the game would collapse in the upper central part of the screen and it would flicker and slow down the turret turns. I uninstalled the mission aid and the problem was fixed. As for the YasenKrasen session, the background that is installed in the pack, is not the same that comes out in the garage.


I get different from the photos. In the previous versions, if it came out as in the photo.


And the same thing happens with the outcome of the battles. It comes out different.



FOTO 1.jpg

FOTO 2.jpg

FOTO 3.jpg

FOTO 4.jpg

FOTO 5.jpg

FOTO 6.jpg

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Good morning!!

If it moves and I have it under the names of my team, the problem is that it blinks the missions of the game and slows down the game when it comes to aiming and shooting. Previously, if you selected this mod, the icons of the game's mission aids automatically disappeared in battles, and now they don't. And if I deactivate those of the game, it keeps appearing the same And before it did not happen.

In short, before, everything was fine, I had your mod and the ones from the game disappeared (even if I did not deactivate the ones from the game) and although I deactivate them now from the game, it continues to appear, even if I have yours and hence I slow down and blink those in the game.
If I deactivate your mod, it works for me.

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I have already fixed the problem. If you look I have selected your mod and although I deactivated the one of the game, the ones of the game kept appearing, they are the ones that blinked at me, slowing down the game. It has been fixed, it no longer blinks, although the personal missions of the game continue to appear and yours too.

Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience caused !!






solved the problem!!!



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