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Primary: XVM "HP bar on the bottom" covers part of UI / Secondary: "Marks of Excellence Extended" is displayed incorrectly

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HI =)

Primary: XVM "HP bar on the bottom" covers part of UI


As I wrote in the chat now as an "official" bug report. ;P

If you activate "Show own hp bar on the bottom of battle UI" the bar covers part of the ammunition and the consumables (see screenshot_1.jpg). In the screenshot in the installer, ammunition and consumables have been moved up, that's just not the case for me. In the chat I could read that I am not the only one but not everyone has the problem.


I think it's very good that you added this component. So I can choose the damage panel I want and still have an hp bar below in the middle. In addition, you have the standard hp bar on the left if you look to the left as usual. xD So please do not remove this component, rather please try everything possible to fix the bug. =D



Secondary: "Marks of Excellence Extended" is displayed incorrectly


Most often, "Marks of Excellence Extended" is displayed incorrectly in the battle. Either it looks like a shadow has been placed over it (see screenshot_2.jpg) or it is displayed in the wrong position together with the shadow (see screenshot_3.jpg). I don't know whether the wrong position is sometimes displayed without the shadow. If it is displayed incorrectly and I press the left alt key, it will be displayed correctly for the rest of the battle (see screenshot_4.jpg). Very rarely it is displayed correctly from the beginning of the battle.

But that's not that severe. You just have to press a button.
I just wanted you to know because sometimes small bugs are the reason for other / larger bugs and you then search for the cause for a long time.


Maybe good to know:

In addition to the coordinates, I have also changed in line 85 " " shadow ": true, " to " " shadow ": false, " in the configuration file. Otherwise, I was always shown a small black square under the panel on the left. But that seems meanwhile to be fixed, at least I just couldn't reproduce that.

But this change from true to false does not cause the problems with the display of the panel that I have described above.



Many thanks for everything



















  • Administrator

Try to edit elements.xc, find line with consumables and change delay value from 5000 to 6000, let me know if it helped.


I'm sorry it took a while to answer. My wife and child said that i had to eat something first. ;P


I changed it to 6000 but nothing changed for me. Of course, I restarted the game for that. ;)

Even after your update #05, in which you even changed it to 6500, it looks the same as before. = (


You probably meant this: ... \ res_mods \ configs \ xvm \ Aslain \ elements.xc



I forgot something about "Marks of Excellence Extended": since update #04 I have noticed that "Marks of Excellence Extended" is rarely not shown in the battle. I already had the suspicion that it is displayed outside the visible area and tried to reset with ctrl-shift-del but after that I still don't see it. But as I said, this happens really rarely.

  • Administrator

Used the latest modpack available, installed same mods and the bar is not overlapping, I think it depends on a computer, and battle loading speed. Try higher values, like 8000 or 9000 even.


As for MoE mod, try to contact Oldskool about it, maybe he can advise you something.


I have now tried a lot and 9500 seems to work reliably for me. So for safety's sake I'll take 10,000. Will you take over the value or should I take over the file in my custom settings in the custom mods folder?


The values of my computer are not that bad, but apart from the graphics card it is 9 years old. I think if you buy a computer with the same values today it would still be a lot better. :)

Intel Core i7 3.2 Ghz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

WoT is installed on an SSD


Should actually run with it.

Or why is it that the delay has to be so high for me?
Or did you just set it too low?



I will write Oldskool regarding MoE



Thank you very much =)

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