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WOT Tweaker Plus Question


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I used to use the Texture Repack Feature in Wot Tweaker Plus a couple years ago and it worked great.Just curious if its still working OK.A year ago it screwed up the a lot textures so I quit using this feature.Like the ground turning transparent "like a icy lake" as you drive along on the map and other weird effects.I can not remember if all this happened when wot came out with HD graphics mode compared to normal mode..And of coarse I always install the HD mode all the time and play this way..So I am just curious if others use this "texture repack feature" in the tweaker and if they ever came across weird effects when playing like me..

  • Administrator

I'd say it's safe to use, it's not changing original game files, so it cannot damage anything it, in the worst case you simply reinstall the modpack and it will remove compressed textures from res_mods.


Thanks for the info..I might run it sometime later today to see if it plays havoc with the textures like it did a couple yeas ago.After and when I try it I will report back with my findings...


Same like before.I tried a 50% repack,the first setting in the  adj slider and it took over a half hour to finish.All the ground and surrounding areas of the map were fine clear and sharp. Just all the tanks were solid Black with no features just the plain outline of all tanks in black with no apparent colors.Oh well at least I know now its still the same like a year ago except a year ago it wrecked the ground textures and now the ground is fine but the tank textures are shot to hell.. 

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