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Patch 9.7 on NA

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Just want to say thanks for the push on the updated mod-pack. I know a lot of folks were crying, but I was content with playing bare-bones without my sights and other goodies til Monday. You are GREATLY appreciated in my tank battalion any day. Thanks again Aslain!


You can use the Active Dossier Uploader v3.4.0.3  available @ following link -----> http://www.vbaddict.net/adu.php


It also explains how to set it up.


And as you can see from the vBAddict_QuickSummary.png


You can also see you WN8 and stuff there.


I hope aslain doesn't mind me posting this here. If he does, then he may take appropriate action and either delete or move the post i make. B) :D

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