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Show active personal reserves overlaps

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Under "Garage XVM"->Show active personal reserves: option #3 and #4 overlap with "Premium Shop" and Shopping bag icon.


Is there maybe a way to move it around that I'm not aware of?


  • Administrator

What game screen resolution you have?

Try different mod for this feature if current one is overlapping usually means you have too small resolution.


1080p, full screen or windowed borderless has the same issue. 


#1 and #2 options are fine since they position themselves below the top bar and to the right of crew display.


#3 and #4 both go on top bar.  


I tried #4 and took 2 pictures, one with and one without emblem next to account name.  Helps a little but still overlaps.








  • Administrator

So, you have to select different version of this mod, that is not showing up there in this row, or edit mod config manually and enter coordinates that suits you.


Ok no worries. 


Am I the only one with this issue?


I changed some values in windgetsTemplates.xc ; under "booster" (which is #4) and "booster3" (#3) I just changed 405 to 505 for "x" value.  It seems to work but I don't know if there are other dependencies.



Res shot_210 mod4 emb crop.jpg

  • Administrator

It's because the mod position is fixed to the exact screen coordinates, however the game elements on the top aren't and they will move right becauyse of special conditions like if you use or not use: badge display, or premium account, long player and clan name etc.

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