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Cant see markers ingame

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Yes, I am talking about attention marker(PING on map with Left Mouse Button or with default T key ) and I head to that position marker(Right Mouse Button on map or default  F2 key). Sorry I was too busy to answer earlier. As you can see in the image my mouse points toward I head to that position marker on minimap but its unvisible from 3rd person view and sniper mode same problem exists with Attention marker. That is happening every battle.


I solved problem. After modpack update I tried mods like advanced info about dispersion, time to aim all in one, and other stuff. After some time I noticed the problem with missing attendance markers so I Reinstall whole modpack without this new mods I was trying. This didnt help neitheir. After some time, found you can turn off/on them (attendace markers) with game settings.

They were turned off. I didnt touch settings since last year. Can it be, some mod turn it off by itself?

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