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Gun Contraints Izerberg issue

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Sorry. In fact, after checkings, it's "aiming angles" which doesn't run. It doesn't appear in option list on aslain menu.

so I can see horizontal gun limit (with Gun Contraints Izerberg) but I dont see gun vertical limits.


screenshots for example. We see horizontal limits but no vertical limit (green triangle is gun middle).




Oh ok. A lot of mods dont run in 1.18. I'm a programmer. Can I "try" to help ?

If you have repositories, explainations about the reasons why mods dont run in 1.18 (I guess it's approximately the same reason on each mod), and so on, I can help you. I haven't a lot of time but I can try.


Thanks a lot. On Aslain's WoT ModPack v1.18.0.0 #06b, "Aiming angles" runs FINE now !!!

We have horizontal and vertical limits on gun. Very usefull. Cool !

With green or red limits to show if gun is at max elevation or depression (diode). Cool !


shot_027.thumb.jpg.c935d69225de3f0a6355dc60b2dff8af.jpgMod_Aiming_angles.thumb.png.fca4bb499e886b385764bbba9bfbd0ae.pngshot_023.thumb.jpg.2d591d320cb9285410a310754f8f505f.jpgshot_022.thumb.jpg.57e53de7fa227eab24664617e2dec834.jpgshot_022.thumb.jpg.57e53de7fa227eab24664617e2dec834.jpgshot_027.thumb.jpg.c935d69225de3f0a6355dc60b2dff8af.jpgMod_Aiming_angles.thumb.png.fca4bb499e886b385764bbba9bfbd0ae.pngshot_023.thumb.jpg.2d591d320cb9285410a310754f8f505f.jpg  thanks a lot.




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