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Key Bindings Freecam In Replays

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I've done a bit of searching, but can't locate the config file for Free Cam in replays.  I have got it set in the Aslain install script, and have a list of keys I foiund on another google search.  I currently use "B" as the sphere indicator in Arty which I use all of the time, but the "B" key in the Free Cam appears to be the key to Bind the Camera to a vehicle?  Is there any way to change this to a different key so I dont change the intent of the "B" key in Battle.  I am aware there is another camera mod which is around and a lot of the keys are the same (Goofy) apart from starting with Caps Lock and F3, which like many I dont use because CL is disabled for the game.


Keys I currently know about are:


1-0 flying camera speed. – 
W,A,S,D - to move the camera, mouse to look around. 
Q, E or scroll wheel, to control camera altitude 
X lock camera above ground level (not working correctly)
 P stabilizer, smooth cam 
Insert & Delete (Zooms In and Out) 
V disable HUD
Left Mouse locks your camera back to your tank again.
C lock camera to a point 360 degree circular. 


I think these ones may be from Goofy's Med, can someone confirm please.


        "bindToVehicle": "B",
        "showGunMarker": "N",
        "showMarkers": "H",
        "setDefaultRoll": "R",
        "switchInertia": "P",
        "switchLandCamera": "L",
        "switchRotateAroundPoint": "C",
        "setDefaultFov": "F"ey to lock to a tank

Love the free cam mod, as I use it to look at replays after the game and save as MP4 files using GEForce save facility.  Quite good for clan training as well for the newer players.






Thx Theo, 


I have had a look at the keys in the XML, 


These ones done seem to be mentioned in the XML, guess they are from a different mod.  Thx for heads up.


bindToVehicle": "B",
        "showGunMarker": "N",
        "showMarkers": "H",
          "switchLandCamera": "L",
        "switchRotateAroundPoint": "C",
        "setDefaultFov": "F"ey to lock to a tank

  • 10 months later...

My V key is not working, i think it's a known problem for different users.

Anything i should be changing in the xml file?

In the garage, as soon as i enter free cam, it cleans everything, but not on replays.

What should i do?

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