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Hangar mods.


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I think is good idea put a pair more of hangar mods at the installer, i saw a pair in other modpack installer from 0.9.2 patch too and them look very nice. I put a pair of screens of them, but tell me if its possible to say what modpack it is and the names of them.


Here are the pics:





I linked in order of i like it more, being the first the one that i like more.


Ty !


Ok, The hangar mods that i request, i found them all at DeX mod pack with the names:  (in order i liniked them at the main post, first with the name at the web at a list that have image previews the tab called "Ajustes del Hangar", and next to it, the name it have at the installer)


1st: Campamento de invierno - Winter camp

2nd: El pueblo - The Town

3rd: Costa Sur - South Coast

4th: Independencia de Corea - Korean independence


I like the first the more, the 4th the less, but like it all a lot, maybe you can add almost one of them and make me happy (maybe lots of the modpack users too).


Here is the link of the modpack: http://wotanksmods.com/dex-modpack/

(the installer its in english language)

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