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Small delay during the start of a game

Go to solution Solved by Aslain,

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I have noticed that after the countdown goes from 30s to 0s, there is a small delay or lag on my side after the 0s. This is about 2-3 seconds and while it's not a huge issue, with scouting and light tanks it's bigger problem. Other tanks rolled away while I jump after couple seconds. It does not happen with vanilja Wot without mod pack so how can I debug which mod does this so we can solve it?

  • Administrator

It's not easy to debug it, start with attaching required logs, maybe there is something, if there is nothing then it will take a lot of time and require perseverance, removing mods one by one, restarting the game each time, and checking if the issue still occurs. Personally, I don't experience such a problem. It could be anything, for example, antivirus, firewall, etc., etc

  • Administrator
  • Solution

This looks suspicious: 
2024-02-16 14:04:22.281: ERROR: RuntimeError: Plan "VFX/G164_Kpz_Pr_68_P_N23_3Dst/GetMoveParameters_control" : IsPlayerVehicle_1 - Input vehicle is not valid!


Have you tried to repair your game client?


I see you are installing those hitzones, I would start removing them, then maybe XVM.


Does it happen with every tank or just some? On every map or just some? Can you see it in replay too? Attach replay if you do.


I did the client repair and now it seems to be better. I wonder if that has to do with that specific sking etc. I will report back if the issue comes back.

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