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team HP bar not showing after tank death

Go to solution Solved by omi5cron,

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i have no idea which mod is causing it. but running in Safe Mode, i do see team HP bar while alive and after tank death. i will attach screenshots , before and after, from modded game and then from SafeMode. first 2 are from modded version, second two from Safe mode. what further info is needed on your end? thank you for any help.





oh maybe its the lebwa im using?


World of Tanks folder?  ->> Yes
Clean res_mods and mods folders?  ->> Yes
Current date: 05-09-2024 and time: 02:36:46
Build date: 05-09-2024
Mod-Pack Installer by Aslain
Installed on: NA Client

Destination location:

Installation type:
      Custom installation

Selected components:
      ------------[   XVM: EXTENDED VISUALIZATION MOD   ]-------------
         --------------[   VEHICLE MARKERS (OTM)    ]-----------------
            Hover marker
                  Hover marker - position: Higher
            OTM by Aslain
               HP Bar size
                  HP bar: Slim
               1st line over HP bar
                  1st line: Vehicle name
                     Star marker for Premium Vehicles
                     colored by ally/enemy
               Style of floating damage texts
                  White text with colored outlines
               Vehicle HP
                  Vehicle HP: Current / Max
                  Vehicle hp colored by ally/enemy
               Markers for Spotted & Flipped tanks on the OTM [XMQP]
               The Shadow intensity behind OTM
                  Weak shadow
         --------------[   PANELS & WINDOWS (IN-BATTLE)   ]-----------
            Panels by Aslain
               Battle Loading
                  Battle Loading: simple with vehicle names
               Remove clan icons
               Remove rank badge icon
               Remove elite levels icons.
               Remove country flags
               Remove XVM icons
               Players Panel
                  Start Mode
                     Start mode: Medium #2
                  Background Transparency
                     transparency: 60 (weak) [WoT default]
                  Show enemy spotted markers
                     marker: Bulb #3
                     Hide the icons for:
                        Undetected vehicles
                  Remove rank badge icon.
         ------------------[   XVM MINIMAP   ]--------------------
               Show 50m radius auto-detection circle
                  Thin turquoise circle
               Show 445m maximum detection range circle (yellow)
               Show 564m maximum drawing distance circle (red)
                  With bold line
               Show dynamic view range circle (blue)
               Show view range circle while in motion (navy blue)
               Show range circle for machinegun & spg (thin red)
               Show vehicle direction line
                  Long & thin green line
               Show camera direction line
                  Turquoise line w/dots every 100m
               Show gun traverse lines
               Show icons for destroyed tanks
               Show HP dynamic circles on the minimap
               Show vehicle names
            Icon scale
               Icon scale: x1.0 (Default)
            Minimap Zoom
         -------------------[   COLOR SCHEMES   ]-------------------
            Green vs. Red
            Own Hits in Purple
         -------------------[   SIXTH SENSES   ]--------------------
            Duration of Sixth Sense Icon Display
               10 seconds
         ------------------[   GARAGE XVM   ]----------------------
            Hide "Premium Shop" button
            Hide "WoT Plus" button
            Hide the counter and blinking on the system channel button
            Hide a promotional tank in the garage background
            Hide event banner
            Hide elite levels widget in garage
            Hide elite levels widget in the profile for vehicle statistics
            Hide Combat Intelligence
            Show price/XP button in the tech tree & research page
            Show the Mastery Badge on the tech tree
            XVM Padlocks
               Show Gold spending padlock
               Show Free XP spending padlock
               Show Bonds spending padlock
               Change the status of the padlocks to red/green
            Show the garage clock
               12h (AM/PM)
               More visible color
            --------------[   TANK CAROUSEL XVM   ]-------------------
               Normal Carousel Cells
                  4 normal rows
                  Scale of Carousel Cells
                     1.0 (default)
                  Show advanced info on the carousel
                     Battle-Tiers, Mastery Badge, MoE%, Win Rate, Played battles, Avg. DMG, WN8 expected tank damage
               carousel: Tank sorting criteria
                  Tank sorting: Tier, Nation, Class
               carousel: hide Info images
         ---------------[   OTHER XVM SETTINGS   ]-------------------
            Show server ping at login screen and garage
            Show online users at login screen
            Show in-battle clock
            Change border color to green
            Hide Battle Hints
            Hide the ally dog tag animation before the battle starts
            Postmortem Panel
               Disable completely
      ----------------[   NON-XVM MODS BRANCH   ]----------------
         Vehicle Contour Icons
            Aslains icons
               Original WG icons colored w/my style and Roman Tiers
         ------------------[   CAMERA MODS   ]---------------------
            Zoom-in for sniper mode
               Zoom-out in arcade mode
                  300m away max
            Scroll sensitivity in arcade view
               Medium (10)
            Disable gun shake effect after shot
            Disable red flash when enemy hit your tank
            Disable handbrake in sniper view (TD's only)
            Scope Shadow Remover
            Show extra zoom indicator on crosshair
            Enable free camera in replays [activate F3]
               Dispersion Reticle
         -------------------[   CROSSHAIRS   ]---------------------
               crosshair: Protanki
               Aim circle
                  aim circle: Melty
         Circle with a radius of 15m
         Colored Damage Stickers
            stickers v1
         -----------------[   AIM HELPING MODS   ]-------------------
            AutoAim Indication+
               Easier autoaim locking (time snapping)
                  AA tries to lock for: infinite time (until toggled)
               block shooting at allies
               block shooting at wrecks
         Team HP Pool Bar
            Team HP bars lebwa v1 [PMOD]
         Change tank silhouette colors
            Custom Outline Colors by CHAMPi
         ---------------[   SIXTH SENSE (NON-XVM)   ]-----------------
            static icon
               Duration of Sixth Sense Icon Display
                  10 seconds
               icon: the all seeing eye v1
            the Sixth Sense Sound (remember to select the user sound in-game options!)
               Sound: Timer #2 (10sec duration)
         ---------------[   GRAPHICS PERFORMANCE   ]---------------
            Fog Remover
               Remove: Fog & sun-glare
               Blue Sky
            Annoying Features Remover
               ---- IN GARAGE ----------
                  ---- BUTTONS ------------
                     Remove: WoT Plus Button
                     Remove: WoT Plus Button Text
                     Remove: Referral Program Button
            WoT Tweaks
               Disable exhaust smoke
               Disable wreckage smoke
               Disable shot smoke and flames
               Disable shell explosion effects
               Disable tank destruction effects
               Disable tree motion effects
         --------------------[   GARAGE   ]-----------------------
            Garage icons
               Tank icons
                  Tank Carousel
                     Golden colored Premium Tanks by Aslain
            Selected Tank Carousel LED Highlighter
               Green frame
            Battle Hits Viewer
            Replays Manager
            Garage Armor Inspector
               Armor Inspector ProTanki
            Clan rewards auto claim
            ---------------[   SESSION STATISTICS   ]-----------------
               YasenKrasen session stats
                  YK: Core [multilingual]
         -------------------[   SOUNDS   ]----------------------
            Crew voice sounds
               other crew voices
                     Change default voices
                        to female
            The other sound mods
               Remove annoying sound from destroying allied tank
               Disable Stun Sound Effect
               Girls und Panzer subtitles
         ---------[   CUSTOMIZATIONS, TEXTURES & MODELS   ]-----------
            Skins on destroyed vehicles
            Military equipment skins
            Train Wagon skins
               Solid color
            No Dirt
         ------------------[   MINIMAP MODS   ]--------------------
            Permanently destroyed [Destroyed Vehicles Marker]
         --------------------[   MAP MODS   ]----------------------
            Colored Base Circles
               v4 blue
         ------------------[   VARIOUS MODS   ]--------------------
            Remove Elite Levels

Additional tasks:
      Installation options
         Delete all previous mods from the game (strongly advised)
- wipes out everything in res_mods and mods folders.
         Delete Python and XVM logs (advised)
         Keep the session stats cache file


 have posted my installer notes



is this correct?

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i only install from your modpack. how can i update pmod?


i will try to install latest modpack again, maybe my install was messed up. thank you for responding.

i now see that the latest pack i had used was #4. the PMOD is updated in #5, and that might be the issue. i am now installing #6, the most recent release. that is probably the answer.

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  • Administrator

The PMOD in my modpack is already up to date, but not the one I have seen in your logs. So to update the PMOD, make sure you are installing the most recent modpack to the proper folder, and have selected the option to remove previously installed mods.

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