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Hangar Manager

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Good Day and before anything else let me thank and congratulate @Aslain and his crew for the great job you guys do, WoT is a whole different experience for me thanks to XVM, mods and passionate folks like you.


After that "softening barrage", if you have time please evaluate including this:




I am using the version in your pack, but my favorite (Waldlager, the detailed german outpost in the forest) is not included anymore in the few built-in hangars.


I don't use many "aesthetics" mods and understand these requests should have low priority, but if I know you my voice will be heard.


Good Luck & Have Fun.


Hi DurstBlut


..you can do it easy by yourself if you only want that "Waldlager" Hangar...

The Hangar settings and files are the same as before.

Use the "old" Hangar-Mod from the last package where the Mod was included, or get the stand-alone Mod from the Author, and change the folder to the actual Version of WOT (res_mods/0.X.X/) then include the mod into it in the same structure as the Mod is set. Dont overwrite any other file !

If you get problems, send a direct link here (without Adf.ly) and I will have a look inside for you if all files up-to-date and usable...

Sry play atm only WoWs and stopped playing WOT as long WG dont use a anticheat for EU servers too ^^ ...




(languages: german/english)

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