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Game won't start after applying the mod pack.

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After i apply the current (0.9.9) patches modpack with the JSGME- MOD enabler tool, the game won't start anymore.

I have tried several versions of the modpack since the patch with clean installs, all have had the same problem.

the JSGME MOD-enabler tool has worked fine with all previous times so it shouldn't be about that.


When i press "Play" from the Launcher it'll give me an error saying: "Game resource path does not exist: ./res_mods/"



If i go and make the folder it's looking for, nex it'll give me an error saying: "Game resource path does not exist: .res/packages/19_monastery_hd.pkg"



If i remove the modpack with the JSGME tool the game works as vanilla again just fine.


I have also installed like in the bug reporting section instructed with even the WoT cache cleaning, also tried the integrity check while the modpack was enabled. No changes with that.

Earlier i also tried to reinstall the whole game, with no change after applying the modpack.


Hope there'll be a fix for this weird problem, that apparently only i'm experiensing, since there's noone else reporting anything like it.

Can't really play the game anymore without all the nice mods you have in the modpack. :3





  • Administrator

Get latest paths.xml for 0.9.9, from this post for example. Copy them to WoT folder. 


Also make sure you are installing modpack to WoT folder, cannot support 3rd party installers like JGSME or any other form of custom installation methods.


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