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After game, Garage is Empty of buttons and usual

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After I won the game (just me you know), the tank shows up in the garage and nothing else. See photo so I guess screenshots work. Not sure this Mod is the cause but wanted to see if someone else had this happen.


No other tanks, no battle buttons, nothing but the aiming recticle that I have installed. I cannot rotate my tanks, nor does the keyboard work. I can Alt-Tab out to do this but in the game, no clicking or button masshing works.


I use J1imbo's mod in the installer. I have few garage mods but ping, stacking, and marks of excellence with %. I think that is it.



This has happened to me 2-3 times since 9.10 update. Happened after few hours only and not just after battle or two. It's kinda random.

Prolly caused by xvm itself since i'm not using anything else currently on this pc (xvm .zip config)

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