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Random Crash to Desktop - Possibly caused by RU 251?

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So I believe that I've found a bug where if there's a RU 251 being drawn that it causes a crash to desktop.  The game will run smoothly for a while, until I'm on a team with a 251, where upon the crash will happen as soon as the match loads.  Or if the 251 is on the other team, the match will run fine unless he's in my viewrange, then it'll crash.  

I'm thinking that it might be something with an armor calculation possibly? Here is the list of the installed components.  I'll try removing some that might seem problematic and update if I find success


Selected components:
      ________________Aslain's XVM mod v3.9.1________________
         Color Scheme
            Green vs. Red
         Vehicle Contour Icons [DLC]
            Aslains icons
               Modern with arab tiers
         [Over Target Markers]
            The shadow intensity behind OTM
               strong shadow
            Text field #1
               Vehicle name
            Stock turret marker
            Low HP exclamation mark (below 25% hp)
            Tank name over destroyed vehicles
            Angel Wings of Destroyed Tank
            Rating marker icon
         [Other XVM Settings]
            Panels & Windows by Aslain (in-battle)
               Battle loading
                  Advanced battleloading
               Statistics Tab
                  Advanced Statistics Tab
               Players Panel
                  Enemy spotted markers
                  Large panel
                     Advanced Panel
                  Medium panel (default)
            [XVM Minimap]
               Show 50m auto-detection circle (turquoise)
               Show 445m maximum detection range circle (yellow)
               Show 500m maximum drawing distance square (red)
               Show detection range dynamic (blue)
               Show camera direction line
               Show gun traverse lines
               Show vehicle direction line
               Show icons for destroyed tanks
               Labels on the minimap
                  Vehicle names
               Enable minimap zoom on button:
            [Hitlog Settings]
               version #1 (detailed header + normal numbers)
               number of lines
               Show HP log (under ALT key)
            Enable Auto-login to the game
            Skip intro movie
            Show latency to the servers (ping)
            The XVM player statistics
               Winchance [ON]
                  on Battle loading window
                  on Statistic form window
                  on Battle results window
               Rating scale
                  6 colors by Aslain (based on XVM)
               Player rating formula (WN8 by default)
            The 6th Sense [settings]
               Custom icons
                  Metal Gear
               Sound alert
                  Metal Gear
            The hangar XVM settings
               The price button in the tech tree & research page
               The mastery mark in the tech tree
               Display hangar clock
      ---------------------[ The Mod Pack ]-----------------------------------
         Camera scripts [settings]
            Zoom settings
               30x (6 steps, 2-30)
               Zoom-out (extends default zoom out range)
               Accelerated zoom speed on arcade crosshair
               NoScroll (the scroll wheel blocker in sniper mode)
               Disable gun shake effect after shot
               Show extra zoom indicator on crosshair
         15m circle mod (displays a 15m circle around your vehicle on F10 key)
         Accurate Damage Indicator
         Allied silouhettes always visible 93 by Locastan
         BalCalcMod (an balistic calculation helper with 'F' key)
         Colored penetrations & ricochets (aka Kiskami Paintball mod)
         Crosshair mods
            Custom crosshairs
               MeltyMap's MathMod
            The battletimer mods
               Effective armor calculator (for own vehicle)
                  with extra gun constrains ruler for TD and SPG
            ServerCross (server crosshair, must enable it in game menu!)
            Info Panel (info about targeted vehicle)
               between crosshair and ammo icons
         Damage Panels
            Damage Panel GambitER 0.9.2
               Position of the hit notification
                  on the left
               With fire alarm sound
         Graphical performance mods
            No fog (maximum visibility) by Artasan
         Radial Menu v2.5.7 ENG (reload spam with 'C' key)
            Vanilla WoT commands + reload on 'C' key
         Safe Shot
            Block shooting at wrecks & allies for 2s
         ---------------------[ Garage mods ]---------------------------------
            Multilined TankCarousel v1.5.3
               3 rows
            Session Statistics
         --------[ The rest of mods ]--------------------------------
            Sound mods (might lower your fps)
               Gun sound packs
                  Gnomefather's Gun sounds v1.944
               Engine sound packs
                  Gnomefather's Engines sounds (w/o radio) v0.58

I had the same thing, quickly uninstalled all MOD folders and entered the battle.  No 251 on my team or the enemy team.  Was issued a warning for Inaction :huh:


Selected components:
      ________________Aslain's XVM mod v3.9.2________________
         Color Scheme
            Green vs. Red
         Vehicle Contour Icons [DLC]
            Aslains icons
               Modern with arab tiers
         [Over Target Markers]
            The shadow intensity behind OTM
               weak shadow
            Text field #1
               Vehicle name
            Player name (doesn't work with the Max Info!)
            Stock turret marker
            Tank name over destroyed vehicles
            Angel Wings of Destroyed Tank
            Rating marker icon
         [Other XVM Settings]
            Team Text Fields (Our Team / Enemy Team)
            Panels & Windows by Aslain (in-battle)
               Battle loading
                  Advanced battleloading
               Statistics Tab
                  Advanced Statistics Tab
               Players Panel
                  Enemy spotted markers
                  Large panel
                     Advanced Panel
                  Medium panel (default)
            [XVM Minimap]
               Show 445m maximum detection range circle (yellow)
               Show detection range dynamic (blue)
               Show detection range circle while in motion (navy blue)
               Show detection range circle while standing (white)
               Show camera direction line
               Show gun traverse lines
               Show vehicle direction line
               Show icons for destroyed tanks
               Labels on the minimap
                  Show player names on the minimap for:
            [Hitlog Settings]
               version #2 (simple header + big numbers)
               number of lines
               Show HP log (under ALT key)
            Skip intro movie
            Show latency to the servers (ping)
            Favorite Server (remembers selected login server)
            The XVM player statistics
               Winchance [ON]
                  on Battle loading window
                  on Statistic form window
                  on Battle results window
               Rating scale
                  11 colors by WotLabs.net (WotLabs official)
               Player rating formula (WN8 by default)
            The 6th Sense [settings]
               Custom icons
            The hangar XVM settings
               The price button in the tech tree & research page
               The mastery mark in the tech tree
               Display hangar clock
               Multilined Tank Carousel by XVM
                  2 rows
            Update checker for Aslain's XVM ModPack
      ---------------------[ The Mod Pack ]-----------------------------------
         Camera scripts [settings]
            Zoom settings
               30x (10 steps, 2-30)
               Zoom-out (extends default zoom out range)
               Accelerated zoom speed on arcade crosshair
               Disable gun shake effect after shot
               Scope Shadow Remover
               Show extra zoom indicator on crosshair
         Accurate Damage Indicator
         ATAC! (enemy in proximity 100m warning)
         Chat mods
               Chat filter & antispam v2.7.3 (config by Aslain)
         Colored penetrations & ricochets (aka Kiskami Paintball mod)
         Crosshair mods
            Custom crosshairs
               J1mB0's Crosshair v1.42
                  Sniper crosshair
                     optimized 2-circles
                  SPG crosshair
            ServerCross (server crosshair, must enable it in game menu!)
               fancy blue
            Gun Constraints (gun traverse angle markers)
               markers shape
                  > <
         Battle Shell Cooldown Buttons
            Custom shell, consumable & module icons by arasgrandpa
         Damage Panels
            Damage Panel GambitER 0.9.2
               Position of the hit notification
                  on the left
         Graphical performance mods
            No fog (maximum visibility) by Artasan
            WoT Tweaks (to gain better fps)
               Disable Exhaus smoke
               Disable Wreckage smoke
               Disable Shot smoke and flames
               Disable Tree motion effects
               Disable Clouds
         Safe Shot
            Block shooting at wrecks & allies for 2s
         SpotMessanger 20 ("Spotted at..." shall be send to chat)
               Send in Tank Company
               Send in Clan Wars
               Send to platoon
               Send in cybersport (ESL)
               Send in stronghold battle
               Ping your minimap position
            Enabled on
               Heavy Tank
               Medium Tank
               Light Tank
               Tank Destroyer
               Self-propeled gun
         Team HP Pool Bar 92b by Locastan (may lower fps!)
            style by Locastan
         ---------------------[ Garage mods ]---------------------------------
            Session Statistics
               YasenKrasen (V1)
         --------[ The rest of mods ]--------------------------------
            Sound mods (might lower your fps)
               Gun sound packs
                  Gnomefather's Gun sounds v1.944
               Engine sound packs
                  Gnomefather's Engines sounds (w/o radio) v0.58
            Train Wagon mods
               Train Wagon Visibility Mod by MAS629
            Skins of destroyed vehicles
               White 25%
            XVM's clan icons addon
               NA icons full (2014.09.11)

Additional tasks:
      Installation type
         Clean install - FULL - (clean up RES_MODS - recommended)


It's happened to me 3-4 times with a 251 involved... trying to test it out right now.  Just had a match with one and didn't crash, but I've uninstalled Info Panel and all of the sound mods.  Going to re-enable Info Panel and try again... but it might have to wait till tomorrow.


Nope.  Not Info Panel.  Just had another with a RU 251, and it was ok.  

So... currently installed is:


Selected components:
      ________________Aslain's XVM mod v3.9.2________________
         Color Scheme
            Green vs. Red
         Vehicle Contour Icons [DLC]
            Aslains icons
               Modern with arab tiers
         [Over Target Markers]
            The shadow intensity behind OTM
               strong shadow
            Text field #1
               Vehicle name
            Stock turret marker
            Low HP exclamation mark (below 25% hp)
            Tank name over destroyed vehicles
            Angel Wings of Destroyed Tank
            Rating marker icon
         [Other XVM Settings]
            Panels & Windows by Aslain (in-battle)
               Battle loading
                  Advanced battleloading
               Statistics Tab
                  Advanced Statistics Tab
               Players Panel
                  Enemy spotted markers
                  Large panel
                     Advanced Panel
                  Medium panel (default)
            [XVM Minimap]
               Show 50m auto-detection circle (turquoise)
               Show 445m maximum detection range circle (yellow)
               Show 500m maximum drawing distance square (red)
               Show detection range dynamic (blue)
               Show camera direction line
               Show gun traverse lines
               Show vehicle direction line
               Show icons for destroyed tanks
               Labels on the minimap
                  Vehicle names
               Enable minimap zoom on button:
            [Hitlog Settings]
               version #1 (detailed header + normal numbers)
               number of lines
               Show HP log (under ALT key)
            Enable Auto-login to the game
            Skip intro movie
            Show latency to the servers (ping)
            The XVM player statistics
               Winchance [ON]
                  on Battle loading window
                  on Statistic form window
                  on Battle results window
               Rating scale
                  6 colors by Aslain (based on XVM)
               Player rating formula (WN8 by default)
            The 6th Sense [settings]
               Custom icons
                  Metal Gear
               Sound alert
                  Metal Gear
            The hangar XVM settings
               The price button in the tech tree & research page
               The mastery mark in the tech tree
               Display hangar clock
               Multilined Tank Carousel by XVM
                  3 rows
      ---------------------[ The Mod Pack ]-----------------------------------
         Camera scripts [settings]
            Zoom settings
               30x (6 steps, 2-30)
               Zoom-out (extends default zoom out range)
               Accelerated zoom speed on arcade crosshair
               NoScroll (the scroll wheel blocker in sniper mode)
               Disable gun shake effect after shot
               Show extra zoom indicator on crosshair
         15m circle mod (displays a 15m circle around your vehicle on F10 key)
         Accurate Damage Indicator
         Allied silouhettes always visible 93 by Locastan
         BalCalcMod (an balistic calculation helper with 'F' key)
         Colored penetrations & ricochets (aka Kiskami Paintball mod)
         Crosshair mods
            Custom crosshairs
               MeltyMap's MathMod
            The battletimer mods
               Effective armor calculator (for own vehicle)
                  with extra gun constrains ruler for TD and SPG
            ServerCross (server crosshair, must enable it in game menu!)
            Info Panel (info about targeted vehicle)
               between crosshair and ammo icons
         Damage Panels
            Damage Panel GambitER 0.9.2
               Position of the hit notification
                  on the left
               With fire alarm sound
         Graphical performance mods
            No fog (maximum visibility) by Artasan
         Radial Menu v2.5.7 ENG (reload spam with 'C' key)
            Vanilla WoT commands + reload on 'C' key
         Safe Shot
            Block shooting at wrecks & allies for 2s
         ---------------------[ Garage mods ]---------------------------------
            Session Statistics
         --------[ The rest of mods ]--------------------------------
            Enhanced minimap images
               by Locastan

installed Gnomefather's gunsounds to no problem.  Also like to note that I've not experienced a crash since upgrading to 9.3.2.  Now installed Gnomefather's engine sounds to see if that causes it, but I'm going to bed now.  Will update tomorrow.


using v3.9.3 i get crash to desktop all the time.

using v3.9.2 everything is fine.


After I've deselected

"Garage appearance

               Premium hangar with basic account
               no custom hangar"


Everything is working just fine again in my case.




Alright, first match of the day after enabling Gnomefather's engine sounds caused a crash to desktop, and there was an RU 251 in it.  So I'm thinking that that is where the trouble lies.  And sorry Aslain, I didn't know about the log file, so here it is!



Hi, I have 3.9.4. and still crash to the desktop. I choose a tank, push battle and crash down, try to restart and nothing happened. If the battle finished, the I can start the game and go to the garage. If I start the battle again, crash to the desktop


Uuuuhhh! I tried 3.9.4. and it keeps chrashing to desktop. I think these exits are related, as always with the sound mods. I went 3.9.1, unselected the sound mods and made a clean install. It worked without problems, but without Gnomefather sound :angry: . Uuuuh! I have seen a new update 3.9.5. I have to try!!!! :D  :D  :P


So I think I've got it working now.  Used the 3.9.4 build from here (Why doesn't 3.9.5 have the radial menu mod on it?), and Gnomefather's sound patches off of his website.  After installing them, I used the file from this link http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/121210-gnomefathers-engine-pack-oct-25-2013/page__st__1720__pid__9096317#entry9096317 as a patch to the engine sounds.  Now things seem to be working just fine!  Had a match with an RU 251 and a M103 (WOT forum users were saying the M103 was also problematic), and it all went smoothly.  If I come across another crash, I'll update.


Ummm after I copy both of them in the folders, I try to play but holds at the briefing screen before the battle. I can hear the battle, but the briefing screen does not fade ... I will try only one of them

Posted (edited)

HR 1.944 and Gnomefathers engines 0.58 should be the problem.

​I tried several combinations, here are the results:

1. Aslain 3.9.5 only = OK

2. Aslain 3.9.5 + RU-251 = OK

3. Aslain 3.9.5 + HR 1.944 & Gnomefathers engines 0.58 = OK

4. Aslain 3.9.5 + HR 1.944 & Gnomefathers engines 0.58 + RU 251 = crash

5. HR 1.944 & Gnomefathers engines 0.58 only = OK

6. HR 1.944 & Gnomefathers engines 0.58 + RU 251 = crash

Edited by ccssff

i seem to be able to have a game or two without issues...


and then, the kaka hits the fan and i cant even log in. or resume a match.


deleting all the mods helps to get back in, but does not help how i play.


will do some testing between the mods collection and sound packs. 


i dont think its tank specific.

i was able to do a few games, and on the ST-I i was ok for the first couple minutes and then was not able to even start the game.

same with the wolverine and matilda....



just had a couple rounds bez sound mods and did not have any problems.


this leads me to believe that the problem lies somewhere between the gnomefathers engine sounds and HR gun sound mod....


I thought the same and uninstalled all sound mods. First game on restart...crashed to desktop. I then uninstalled the entire mod pack and tried again. Game ran fine. Although playing without the mod pack is horrible. So I'd rather not play untill the mod pack is fixed.


well.. i managed to not have a backup of my audio folder... 

so without the sound pack i hear nothing in the game except random things breaking while tanks drive over them.

and the WOT site is down for maintenance, but the pages are available if you know what to google for... odd if you ask me.


will do a fresh install and try the mods without any sounds to see how that stands up, once i get to it....


and it may be a bit corny but...


Arka - Gdynia!!

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