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problems since using auto aim indicator+

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I tried the auto aim indicator+ in version 9.13.39. about 10 seconds into the battle the gun suddenly points in a random direction (not where I am looking) and I can only keep looking in the direction I am looking in currently. As if the camera is stuck in its position, and the gun is pointing in a random direction. No matter whether I turned the tank or moved it forward or back, the camera was stuck.
Reinstalled the mod pack without the auto aim indicator+: same problem.
Manually removed everything from res_mods and DLC folders: same thing.
Played without any mods and did not have the problem.
Tried the mod pack and had the same issue again.
Went back and installed 9.13.38 mod pack, no more issues.


This is caused by the mod called Direction Indicator by RN. Same thing was happening to me. Just uninstall this mod and it won't happen. Just to be sure, uninstal everything from RoughNecks


I still have the direction indicator and everything is fine. Maybe the auto aim indicator and Direction Indicator are conflicting together. But it did not happen when tanks got spotted for me. It happened even before any enemies got spotted. Like I said, it just happened about 10sec in to the battle

Posted (edited)

I have the same issue since today, but didn't change any options from previous version (I just clicked straight through options today).

Problem is triggered if you accidentally press 'shift' button in non-arty.

World of Tanks folder?  ->> Yes
Clean res_mods folder?  ->> Yes, FULL
Current date: 23-02-2016 and time: 19:14:45
Build date: 23-02-2016
Mod-Pack Installer by Aslain
Version: 9.13.39
Installed on: EU Client

Destination location:

Setup type:
      Custom installation

Selected components:
      -------------------[ Aslain's XVM config v9.13.39 ]-------------------------------------
         Check for Aslain's ModPack updates in garage
         Color Scheme
            Green vs. Red
         Vehicle Contour Icons
            Aslains icons [DLC]
               Simple with small font
         -----------------[ Over Target Markers (OTM) ]-------------------------------------
            OTM by Aslain
               The shadow intensity behind OTM
                  strong shadow
               The main text field
                  Vehicle name
               Stock turret marker
               Low HP exclamation mark (below 25% hp)
                  small marker on the right side of hp bar
               Tank name over destroyed vehicles
               Floating markings of destroyed vehicles
                  Angel Wings for both enemies, and allies
               Rating marker icon
         --------------------[ Other XVM Settings ]-------------------------------------------
            Skip intro movie
            Show server ping at login screen and in hangar
            Show server info in hangar
            --------------[ Panels & Windows by Aslain (in-battle) ]---------------------
               Show client language flags on Battleloading and Stats Tab
               Show XVM stats icons on Battleloading and Stats Tab
               Battle loading window
                  Advanced battleloading
               Statistics tab (under Tab key)
                  Advanced Statistics Tab
               Players Panel
                  Background transparency
                     60 (weak) [WoT default]
                  Enemy spotted markers
                  Display squad icons
                  Large panel
                     Advanced Panel
                  Medium panel (default)
            ----------------------[ XVM Minimap ]-----------------------------------------------
               Show 50m auto-detection circle
                  thin turquoise circle
               Show vehicle direction line
                  long & thin green line
               Show camera direction line
                  turquoise line with dots every 100m
               Show gun traverse lines
               Show 445m maximum detection range circle (yellow)
               Show 564m maximum drawing distance circle (red)
                  with bold line
               Show dynamic view range circle (blue)
               Show view range circle while in motion (navy blue)
               Show view range circle while standing (white)
               Show icons for destroyed tanks
                  Show vehicle names
               The alternative minimap mode (when ALT pressed)
                  Show HP circles on the minimap
            ----------------------[ Hitlog Settings ]----------------------------------------------
               version #1 (detailed header + normal numbers)
               Hitlog position
               number of lines
               Show HP log (under ALT key)
            -----------------------[ The XVM player statistics ]-------------------------------
               Rating scale
                  10 colors by WotLabs.net (with 2 red colors)
            ----------------- [ The 6th Sense settings ]--------------------------------------
               Custom icons
                  the all seeing eye
               Sound alert
                  Trap Sense sound (Star Wars)
            ---------------------[ The hangar XVM settings ]-----------------------------------
               The price button in the tech tree & research page
               The mastery mark in the tech tree
               Enable gold locker
               Enable Free XP locker
               Change default currency from gold to credits
               Display hangar clock
               Multilined Tank Carousel by XVM
                  3 rows
                  Scale of carousel cells
                     1.0 (default)
                  Show advanced info on carousel
                     Battle-Tiers, Mastery Mark, Marks of Excellence (in percent), Win Rate, Played battles, Average damage + WN8 expected tank damage
      ------------------------------[ The Mod Pack ]---------------------------------------
         Camera scripts
            Zoom-in: 2-4-8-16
            Zoom-out (extends default zoom out range)
               300m away max
            Disable gun shake effect after shot
            Enable free camera in replays [activate F3]
            ServerCross (must be enabled in game menu too)
               fancy blue servercross
         Accurate Damage Indicator
            version #1
         Aim Helping mods
            AutoAim Indication+ (allows to snap autoaim on tanks behind obstacles)
               block shooting at wrecks
         Chat mods
            Chat Scrolling (enables chat scroll with mousewheel)
         Crew Skill Informer (activation: BACKSPACE)
         ----------------------[ Crosshair mods ]------------------------------------------
               Minimalistic crosshair (by Dellux aka Shtys)
            Battle Assistant for SPG
               triggered by 'G' key
         Damage Logs
            Damage Log GambitER #1 (config by Aslain)
               Hide player names
               Damage done & blocked position
                  top-right position
         Damage Panels
            Damage Panel with angles
         GOLD ammo visibility mod
            Silver (apcr) - Gold (heat)
         Graphical performance mods
            Fog Remover By AtotIK
            Extended Filters Pack (select them on the game gfx settings tab)
         Received Damage Announcer
            announcer (reworked) by Souperman
               EU version (prohibited on NA & ASIA servers)
         Safe Shot Extended (by ekspoint)
            Block shooting at wrecks & allies for 2s
         Team HP Pool
            Team HP Bar by Locastan
         OTM Reloads
            OTM Reloads by RN
         -----------------------[ Garage mods ]----------------------------------------
            Session Statistics
               YasenKrasen session stats V1 [EN, PL, KO]
                  Reset the stats daily (at 6:00am)
            Garage appearance
               Hangar Manager 'HangMan' with few built-in garages (by goofy67)
         ---------------------[ Various mods ]-----------------------------------------
            Graphical content mods
               Train Wagon mods by MAS629
            Texture skinpacks
               White Death Skins
                  White Death Tanks
                  White Death Tracks

Additional tasks:
      Installation type
         Clean install (clean up res_mods folder - RECOMMENDED!)
Edited by Sylvansight

I was having issue with the same thing. I reinstalled with auto-aim indicator unchecked and still had problems. When I unchecked Direction indicator by RN, and re-checked Auto-aim indicator the problem went away, so for me, the problem was the Direction Indicator by RN.

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