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Aslain mod kill client in linux environment

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Hi, i found a bug when using in a linux environment (wine)


when kill any enemy, the game client closes without any message in aslain.log/xvm.log or python.log


this occour because the font used in Hitlog.cx (wingdings and XVMsymbols) is render broken in wine



    "blowupMarker": "<font size='13'><font color='#FF3B3B'><font face='Wingdings'>M</font></font></font>",
    "deadMarker": "<font size='11'><font color='#FF3B3B'><font face='XVMSymbol'>+</font></font></font>",
to original XVM settings:

    "deadMarker": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/dead.png' width='12' height='12'>",
    "blowupMarker": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/blowedup.png' width='12' height='12'>",

solve the problem
but this little broken the look&feel in your mod, because this, i modify that lines to:

    "deadMarker": "<img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/dead.png' width='12' height='12'>",
    "blowupMarker": "<img src='xvmres://Aslain/icons/blowedup.png' width='12' height='12'>",


and paste this images:


dead_1.png -> dead.png (http://wstaw.org/m/2014/10/13/dead.png) Wingdings 'M' character

blowedup_1.png -> bowedup.png (http://wstaw.org/m/2014/10/13/blowedup.png)  XVMSymbol '+' character


in res/Aslain/icons/


that images is extracted  from WPS (msoffice like) in size 400, screencap and edit with GIMP with transparent background and color #FF3B3B like you config


i'm sure need more work in other settings when use  XVMSymbol font. but at least, the game don't  explodes when kill a enemy



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  • Administrator

Have you tried to update the fonts manualy? From the zip package with fonts? I have no linux knowledge necessary to help you with this :(


yes. i have install your fonts package in several instances (system wide, user wide, directly in windows wine directory) but I have not been successful


is possible "translate" the XVMsymbols fonts to images like a hitlog problem in your scripts?


my XVM script knowledge is too basic



  • Administrator

yes. i have install your fonts package in several instances (system wide, user wide, directly in windows wine directory) but I have not been successful


is possible "translate" the XVMsymbols fonts to images like a hitlog problem in your scripts?


my XVM script knowledge is too basic




Yeah it's totaly possible, need some manual work with editing the config .

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