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XVM color codes mismatch in v3.9.23

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In the latest installer there is a bug with color codes for the XVM. I believe that in 3.9.22 it was OK but I'm not 100% sure what version i run before installing 3.9.23 ...


in installer:

XVM -> other XVM settings -> The XVM player statistics -> Rating scale.


options " 6 colors by Aslain" and "6 colors by Team XVM" apply the same ranges ( "by Aslain" i think) to the colors.xc file

 "wn8": [
      { "value": 355,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_bad" } },  //    0 - 309  - very bad   (20% of players)
      { "value": 820,  "color": ${"def.colorRating.bad"      } },  //  310 - 749  - bad        (better then 20% of players)
      { "value": 1370, "color": ${"def.colorRating.normal"   } },  //  750 - 1309 - normal     (better then 60% of players)
      { "value": 2020, "color": ${"def.colorRating.good"     } },  // 1310 - 1964 - good       (better then 90% of players)
      { "value": 2620, "color": ${"def.colorRating.very_good"} },  // 1965 - 2539 - very good  (better then 99% of players)
      { "value": 9999, "color": ${"def.colorRating.unique"   } }   // 2540 - *    - unique     (better then 99.9% of players)


i checked for WN8 and kilobattles , don't know about the rest as i don't use them.


best regards



forget I asked ;)

didn't noticed that some time ago XVM changed the ranges in their default config, I must have used pretty old setup as i had the previous ranges in my config before installing Ur newest pack.


sorry for taking Ur time

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