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Training room enabler.

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Ok, hopefully just a peculiar problem. Just dl'd and installed the newest pack. When I installed, it checked the ARP Hud theme. I also installed the training room (my primary reason for installing Aslain's). The HUD theme worked fine, but the training room was not available. I reinstalled the modpack, not including the theme pack, but still no training room. I did a full UNinstall of Aslain's through windows and reinstalled it from fresh. Still no Training Room. I just performed the integrity check on the WoWS client and launched. STILL no training room. Did an Aslain's install with clean install (like always) and even deleted the dl cache. Still no TR.

no training room.JPG



According to the WOWS twitch stream, the training room that could be enabled through your config file was broken last WOWS patch. Glad to hear Aslain has a fix.

  • Administrator

The WG changed how the training room can be enabled in 5.15.0. Now it's just one setting disableTrainingRoom false/true in scripts_config.xml

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