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Received damage counter

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since update I am facing really shity issue. It doesnt matter what do I set up but the received damage panel is not shown...only original xvm dmg received counter, but it is exactly on the position of ingame counter right side from damage panel, so it is impossible to read it. I definitely would like to Gambiter like I am used to use but dont know what to do to make it work now... 




Yes this is a reason why I wrote the topic...i have completely the same setup on desktop and on laptop...on laptop it works on desktop not...so finaly i have found that resolution should be a problem...on desktop i use 4k resolution...when i which it to full hd it works

  • Administrator

According to logs you have corrupted config file: 


2016-12-20 23:32:06.348: WARNING: [WARNING] (mod_damagelog, 1): damageLog (Blocked.cfg) Invalid control character at: line 1 column 1173 (char 1172)


yy, I have tried everything until I recognized that resolution is a problem...I am going to try it with Padadigis on full hd vs 4k, but i guess, the result will be the same.

  • Administrator

Fair enough then. Well that's a bad news, because I can do nothing about it :( Maybe try XVM damage log, it is similar to gambiter.


Unfortunately the counter is not only one problem connected to resolution...advanced aiming info has the same trouble. So I think, there is only one solution...i can not play in 4k...I am forced to play on 2560x1440 :X :X :X 




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