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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/15 in all areas

  1. ill update my work here http://forum.worldofwarships.eu/index.php?/topic/12673-mod030-skins-by-m0nstertr4x/
    1 point
  2. v4.3.13 (06-05-2015): - updated XVM to nighly build 4267 - added lgfrbcsgo's Improved Lighting Mod - added Qualan's contour icons - added Rozszerzone informacje by Nikodemsky - added Mod ESL v3.3 - removed RTAN by Aim_drol (malfunctioning)
    1 point
  3. Than i'm waiting for that mod :) Thanks for your reply.
    1 point
  4. You are a legend that xml worked a treat.
    1 point
  5. I cannot add, it's hardcoded. http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=setupcmdline Maybe try: /verysilent /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES but it'll still display you some windows.
    1 point
  6. Here is Goofy67's reply: Okay, let's have a closer look on how it works: Let's presume there is only one hangar in the whole game, the well known basic- ( or standard-) hangar. This one is located in spaces/hangar_v2. The original hangar in packed in /res/packages/hangar_v2.pkg. You may open PKGs with WinRar or 7-Zip. The client finds this hangar because the PKG is defined in paths.xml. HangMan scans all spaces-folders, not only in /res_mods/0.9.7, but also in every PKG. If it finds a hangar, it is added to the hangarlist. So we have now one hangar in this list: spaces/hangar_v2 Now we add a hangar_defs-file, we call it basic-hangar.xml. The tag <spacepath> in this XML is essential, otherwise the manager doesn't know, with 'map' has to be loaded. We need to set: <spacepath> spaces/hangar_v2 </spacepath> On client-restart HangMan now finds 2 hangars: spaces/hangar_v2 hangar_defs/basic-hangar.xml Both are basically the same, but you can make changes in XML-file like other music and ambiente-sound, and of course change the tank-position. (I've done that with those tank-toy-hangars...) Now you may add spaces/hangar_v2 to the exclusionlist, so on next client-start HangMan ignores this one and deletes it from the hangarlist. spaces/hangar_v2 is still physically there, but you can not select it by buttons or keys. (Attention: If spaces/hangar_v2 is set in <hangarpath> in HangMan.xml, this hangar will be displayed on startup, despite it is in exclusionlist or not, but on hangar-change by button or key you cannot go back.) To answer your question in short: Yes, you may set 'spaces/xyz'-hangars to exclusionlist, hangar_defs which use 'spaces/xyz' will still work.
    1 point
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