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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. EN file updated. No worries JuanKaMas, better late than never :)
  2. v4.2.55 (19-04-2015): - updated most of iconsets to be compatible with latest WG micropatch
  3. Cannot understand your issue, please show screenshots, and add logs, that helps a lot :)
  4. It's recommended to install mods in Admin mode.
  5. You should not use uninstaller, it's not safe. But you don't have to download everything, just recreate empty res_mods/0.9.6/ folder and paths.xml (this one you need from someone on your server, a friend playing wot maybe?). So to fix it It would take like 10mins, not 8h of wasted time and transfer.
  6. It's safe to install on NA. Error, hard to tell, never seen before.
  7. yeah, that exclamation mark is hard to place there, every good spot is already taken, but I moved it more to right, and it looks fine there, also enlraged it so it's better visible, I always wanted to do this before.
  8. Pierszego moda nie ma w paczce, drugiego tez nie ma w paczce. Jest za to podobny w dzialaniu AutoAim indicator+, ktory jak zaznaczysz czolg wroga to dodatkowo pokazuje jego nazwe, i pozwala zaznaczyc za przeszkodami, nie jest to mod zabroniony, nie celuje przed czolgiem ani nic wiecej nie robi niz zwykly auto aim z gry.
  9. v4.2.54 (17-04-2015): - added new OTM option: Squad number on the right and tier number on the left side - replaced Duke Dukem crew sounds with a newer version - fixed vehicle class icons on default XVM hitlog - enlarged and moved more to right the Low HP exclamation mark (below 25% hp)
  10. Pmod czesto ustawia dziwne odleglosci od czolgu na starcie, moze uzyj skryptu od Koshnaranek. Uzywasz: 30x (10 skoków, 2-30) [P_MOD]
  11. It's cool in theory, but very hard to do, would have to write a new application, so is a no go. Also cannot use torrents or p2p at all, the DLC files has to be stored as easy accessible links.
  12. I add this option to installer: - added new OTM option: Squad number on the right and tier number on the left side
  13. Remember that dying mark will overlap on quad number that is on the right side, actualy the same way it's overlapping on right side tier, I need to sort it out somehow... maybe new mark.
  14. Impossible, there is no mod that forces you to reinstall all mods every pc restart. It's your computer, get IT guy to fix it.
  15. Jak chcesz naprawic recznie do czasu nastepnej paczki, to edytuj texts.xc i podmien odpowiednie linie na te: "vtype": { // Text for light tanks "LT": ":", // Text for medium tanks "MT": ";", // Text for heavy tanks "HT": "?", // Text for arty "SPG": "-", // Text for tank destroyers "TD": "." },
  16. Replaced with x1, remove ProSound_ready_to_fire_BELL_96.7z and let it be downloaded again.
  17. Ostatnio zmienilem font, wiec jak sa problemy nalezy pobrac na nowo. Okazalo sie ze poprzedni font zmodyfikowala jakas ofiara losu, a nastepnie nie zmienila nazwy fontu, przez co buguje sie on co chwile.... XVMSymbol_11.1.ttf
  18. Good, I've changed default rating in default xvm, it's better that way, than to explain to everyone everytime why is this happens :) I only hope there won't be someone else who will ask why he don't see correct WGR now or something :)
  19. Too bad, hard to fix something that is not broken on my pc. Maybe try to not install default hitlog.
  20. Try this installer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8mKroo1Zy-pb3lxcjlreTdvd0U/view?usp=sharing
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