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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. v4.1.41 (09-02-2015): - tuned-up colors in the CB color scheme - slightly changed tank carousel options - updated Autoaim indication+
  2. Ktory mod KT konkretnie? Jesli KT Ambiente to ostrzegalem o tym, reszta dzwiekow KT nie wplywa na gre po odinstalowaniu.
  3. Will try to set these colors back, cheers :)
  4. It's not exactly the same color, check it out: but maybe for CB players it's not different enough, I can try to make it more distinctive
  5. It's not being done by myself, I only include them in my modpack, but the authors are the XVM team.
  6. Someone on koreanrandom managed to update it. Too bad he didn't touch the NA version.
  7. v4.1.40 (08-02-2015): - zmieniono dynamiczny kolor wn8expd na zielony w zaawansowanej karuzeli czołgów - naprawiono kolory CB na minimapie przy wybraniu Zieloni kontra Fioletowi (CB) - dodano nową sekcję: Kierunek celowania wrogich czołgów na minimapie - aktualizacja Quests Extended v1.06 - instalowanie czegokolwiek przez instalator bedzie także automatycznie naprawiało paths.xml
  8. I was thinking about something easier to implement, like unconditional installing of original paths.xml to WoT folder, so even if they replace this file with KT Ambiente, then another run of the installer will fix it, no matter what will be installed.
  9. Dzwieki od Gnome czesto powoduja crashowanie u niektorych osob z tego co zauwazylem. Mysle ze ten tworca troche juz olewa WoT, i na nodze pisze te mody, czy tam powiela to co kiedys zrobil, bo w sumie nic nowego nie ma od lat.
  10. In friend list? I cannot do it, but maybe you can request this on koreanrandom: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/forum/57-
  11. This mod has one issue however, you see it only on the enemy, allied tanks got no indicators.
  12. Well try without these: Crew Exp Extended v2.09 by Spoter (use with care, the mod is causing hangar issues on some computers!) Vehicle Exp Extended v1.07 by Spoter (use with care, the mod is causing hangar issues on some computers!) Quests Extended v1.05 by Spoter (use with care, the mod is causing hangar issues on some computers!)
  13. You still see red outlines, even with Locastan's mod? Hard to say, since I do not play in CB mode, maybe something has changed in XVM code. Maybe in the past all you had to do was to enable it in graphics window, and now we have to change some more colors in colors .xc additionaly. Will investigate it further. edit: Looked at the code, and nothing has changed in my configs. If you want to see colored outlines you have to additionaly install that locastan's mod.
  14. 95 v4.1.39 (07-02-2015): - updated Received Damage Announcer EU (fix to team announcing) - added Kriegstreiber's Ambience sounds v4.03 - attention: the ambience sounds will overwrite some other garage and sound mods. Additionaly will cause issues when you want to uninstall it -> required manual renaming of paths.xml.original to paths.xml 96CT v4.2.0-test10 (07-02-2015): - updated XVM to nightly 3754 - updated Received Damage Announcer EU
  15. Zamykam, robi sie balagan. Jeden temat jedna osoba zglasza, dopisywanie roznych innych problemow wcale nie sprawi ze ktos je naprawi, wrecz przeciwnie, temat bedzie nieczytelny i nikt tego sprawdzac nawet nie bedzie.
  16. Ktos cos zamieszal na tym komputerze tak ze nie obsluguje skryptow js.... Wiecej nie pomoge, potrzebny pewnie informatyk. Ew. zobacz na ten sposob, jesli znasz angielski i troche na komputerach: http://www.winhelponline.com/articles/230/1/Error-There-is-no-script-engine-for-file-extension-when-running-js-files.html Aczkolwiek to metoda na viste... powodzenia.
  17. The only solution for you is to install Allied silhouettes always, and select second option.
  18. Please attach logs, info in my sig. Without logs, I have no possibility to check your or anyone elses issues, just for the record.
  19. Damage Panel by Gambiter and other damage panels. Many installer options has a preview, use it.
  20. Mega jest super, stamtad najszybciej mi pobiera i wysyla, mediafire to jakas masakra ale nie mam wyjscia bo mediafire dziala wiekszosci, a mega bezsensownie poblokowane w niektorych krajach / ISP
  21. Crew Exp Extended v2.09 by Spoter (use with care, the mod is causing hangar issues on some computers!) Vehicle Exp Extended v1.07 by Spoter (use with care, the mod is causing hangar issues on some computers!)
  22. Yeah in perfect word :) But it cannot stay that way in the installer. Technical issues.
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