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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Ok dzieki, sprawdze to jutro, bo juz za moment uciekam.
  2. Nie spotkalem sie z takim problemem. Zalacz logi zobacze u siebie. Napisz tez w jaki sposob zawsze naprawiales te moduly, i co teraz sie konkretnie dzieje ze sie ich naprawic nie da.
  3. Hmmm maybe kosh scripts are not working correctly in 9.6 CT as they do in 9.5. Maybe PMOD can be solution to this, but it requires to rebuild my installer to use PMOD, and it's a lot of work. Shall see... because Kosh naranek is usually releasing new stuff once the official client is released, so we might have to wait a bit, unless our "eastern partners" fixed it somehow....
  4. Put this file into Aslains_Custom_mods folder, and launch the installer. The mod will be installed along with the other mods from modpack. EnemyGunDirectionOnMinimap.zip
  5. v4.1.37 / v4.1.20_test7 (02-02-2015): - reworked tank carousel section (it's scale change friendly now) - updated and reworked Deathmatch announcer section
  6. En lang file updated to 4.1.36 Go there: http://aslain.com/custom_messages/ Find: http://aslain.com/custom_messages/en_translation.ini (it's your file to translate) Hint: don't translate file names like damagepanel.jpg, and URL's just copy them over and replace en. with your country letters
  7. Mozesz chociaz zalaczyc plik .inf? Dzieki niemu moge odtworzyc Twoje wybory, w innym wypadku nie jestem praktycznie w stanie sprawdzic problemu. Generalnie to brzmi raczej jak problem na tym komputerze, nie w instalatorze.
  8. You can add your logs (info in my sig), I will try to see whats going on there.
  9. Yeah we are aware of this bug, still cannot find the cause. Maybe it's simply bugged in 96CT however when I tried my XVM config + BA only, it was working fine, so.... no clue...
  10. Never owned a mac, but there is a font pack available as separate link in the OP of download thread. Try it out. Maybe you will find a way to install them, in windows you only have to click on them and press install button.
  11. Which audio pack? Please attach logs, info in my sig.
  12. Are you sure of that? Havent had time to check it yet. In that case will remove the affected announcer.
  13. I will try to make it optional, but it must stay for now, need to find a good solution.
  14. Hmm, nope, impossible via XVM.
  15. Great! Russian not needed, we have no russian translation anyway, nobody willing to translate it to ru. I recommend to focus translation on component names first, unlike it's in the english file. That stuff there begins with desc_ which has lowest priority in translation. If you have questions, ask away.
  16. You will not see them now. They start to show up once you get at least 1 mark, and 1 mark means you are no noob.
  17. Aktualnie jest to w paczce, te mody Vehicle Exp Extended, Quests Extended..
  18. W windowsie nie masz zainstalowanej obslugi skryptow .js Efekt taki ze czesc rzeczy w instalatorze moze nie dzialac, glownie tyczy sie zmiany typu ratingu.
  19. v4.1.36 (30-01-2015): - updated Crew Exp Extended v2.09 - updated Aslain's contour icons - regular and classical - updated Marks of Excellence icons on the carousel - added 6th sense sounds OMC
  20. Tez sie zastanawialem czy go potrzebuje ale nie, nie mam problemow ze znalezieniem bitwy, a te co ciekawsze sobie nagrywam w inne miejsce na wszelki wypadek. Generalnie potwierdzam, mega upierdliwy mod i lubi sie wieszac.
  21. Will use these in next version, can you replace them, and show me a screenie, not sure I made the number of marks centered correctly
  22. I didnt even expect to see empty colored shields, they should have numbers inside....
  23. You posted it in wrong section, I do not reply to every request, but still using them to add stuff later.
  24. Ok, now I know what is going on, will find new solution in next release.
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