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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Updated the 9.5 CT xvm only version to v4.0.29.2: - updated XVM to nightly 3470 - xvm config updated (for spotting icons) Added the 9.5 CT Modpack installer v4.0.29.1: - updated XVM to nightly 3470 - updated AutoAim+ (CW fix attempt) - rewritten all configs to support recent changes in spotting icons
  2. Yup noticed this today. Will be easier to implement now.
  3. Great, maybe you have national keyboard with different setup.
  4. Yes, with keyboard keys : + - :)
  5. Jasne. Link do tematu forum http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/353419-094spotmessanger/ Link do gita ze zrodlem moda https://github.com/jstar88/wotmods Napisalem do autora, odpisal mi to: "The mod work except for platoon commands, wg implemented a server system to avoid that. The mod should just try the command,bit nothing should happen. I didn't saw any errore or exception" Jesli dobrze zrozumialem, bo chyba jego angielski troche pokaleczony - to jest jakies problem spowodowany zabezpieczeniem wprowadzonym przez WG.
  6. Via installer you can only select data type displayed on the battle loading screen, like you see on a pic below (but I guess you know it already) Alternatively you can choose different Iconset, but it will change the icons globaly on every screen. And finaly you can edit iconset.xc, and change the paths for battle loading, and upload your fav (named?) icons there, to be displayed on battle loading :)
  7. I have been listened and the issue suppose to be fixed in latest XVM for 9.5 CT, but only there, so in 9.4 you have to live with this for now.
  8. I analyzed these logs, and I see you have not selected any mod from the modpack section, is that correct or the log is telling lies?
  9. Zainstalowalem dokladnie takie same mody i wszystko mi chodzi dobrze na moim PC. Masz jakiegos pecha :( W python.log masz jakis sajgon, bug pogania bugiem. Nie mam pojecia czemu... :(
  10. Oh I see. Well, it was reported couple of times, that people end up in garage with strange things. Since that time I updated the mods a lot of times. Try without these mods: - spotmessanger - clanmod - wot tweaker nor any gfx tweaking mod - colored skins of destroyed vehicles This is all I can do...
  11. Konfig nie pozwala na ustawienie opoznien wysylania rzeczy do czatu, tak jak to ma Radial Menu mod, w ktorym byl identyczny problem ale bylo widac komunikaty bledu: czyli zawieszenie na iles tam sekund, wysylanie na czat. Spytalem autora, dam znac co mi odpowie.
  12. Dont use uninstall, it will remove too much. Simply get the modpack for 9.5 CT (important) and install it to the CT folder, you should see a warning that you are installing on CT folder, click OK. The rest is typical.
  13. Thanks for reporting this, but this is not my mod, you better report this to the author. I have no info who made this, but I can guess someone from Ru forums.
  14. The log is from, 4.0.17. What file name of installer have you used?
  15. add logs will check ir tomorrow
  16. Mod w paczce jest w najnowszej wersji. Sprawdzalem w plutonie i dziala. Aczkolwiek mozliwe ze zabugowany jest nadal. Trzeba by spytac tworce.
  17. Updated the 9.5 CT xvm only version to v4.0.29.2: - vehicle icons replaced back with my regular icons updated to 9.5 - xvm updated to 3455 Added the 9.5 CT Modpack installer v4.0.29: - updated XVM do nightly 3455 - updated AutoAim+ (possible fix to CW battle issues) - updated my all contour icons (added 25 new tanks) - the CB icons from me are disconntinued (no update) - temporary removed many mods - possible issues with the minimap (try to play with in-game settings) - the icon contour mods from the others will be lacking of new tanks
  18. I can always add it, but then.... some people may start writing me they got stuck on "updating crew" sometimes after a battle. Would be good to ask the author if he fixed this. The mod works ok for me, anyway, but it was the same before, where it was not working for some others.
  19. Moze cos nie poszlo tak przy czystej instalacji. Sciagnij najnowszy instalator i zobacz jeszcze raz. Jesli nie pomoze wyslij mi logi do sprawdzenia - jakie logi pisze w tym dziale.
  20. Which mod was it ? Can you show on a pic? I didnt remove any arty mod recenty.
  21. In YasenKrasen edit: stat_config.json This is my current setting related to ignored battles in modpack: "ignoreBattleType": [2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11], The following numbers can be used in "ignoreBattleType" section: Random Training Company Tournament Clanwar Tutorial Team battle Historical battle 10. Stronghold Skirmishes 11. Stronghold Battle Couldnt find info for 9. GL.
  22. What do you mean? I tried different zooms, or even custom no zooms at all, still works for me.
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