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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Do you have "vehicles" folder in res_mods/0.9.1/ ? Do you know where it is?
  2. Tested your setting and the Hitzones are fine, but I found weird thing, two Gun Constraints at same time on the screen. I am seeing this for second time.
  3. I had no time to test it, is it good? :) Will see... :) I can add but not right away, the first things first.
  4. Tak, ale katalog jest wtopiony na stale do 7zipa, byc moze masz pobrane starsza wersje skorek. Moj blad ze nie zmienilem nazw, przez to czasem ten balagan. Przy 9.2 juz nie zrobie drugi raz tego bledu. Generalnie skasuj z tego katalogu plik od goharu, i pozwol mu pobrac sie na nowo, zaloze sie ze pomoze.
  5. Exactly, it has to work, like I said before you have selected my Recommended XVM settings which is the same setting like you have in zip only version. The issue you are having with the installer is local thing, limited to your PC only.
  6. Thats a bright side of having late patch :)
  7. Witam, i dziekuje. Kiedy ostatnio instalowales mody? Bo ten efekt co opisujesz, to jakbys mial stare wersje dla 9.0 we folderze z pobranymi plikami, wez je skasuj i pobierz na nowo, na pewno pomoze.
  8. Your setting is basicaly my XVM config, no other mods installed, it has to work.
  9. Ow, for the NA server you might be right, last time you guys had to wait something like a week after us.
  10. Yes, I made it work that way. Using this mod in random battles and sending this info to whole team is not smart. It does however work in platoons when you are in random battle.
  11. Something ruined all formatting, and the posts looked like some sort of mixed text with [ code] section, it was the only solution. Currently everything is under control.
  12. You may use an online editor: https://sites.google.com/site/sirmaxwiki/ Then save as one file And split back into pieces using this: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=52567 (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/4643-)
  13. The issue has been fixed, will be available in the next modpack release.
  14. Hi everyone, The website database has been rolled back to the last night backup, it was caused by a nasty error, and there was no other option no fix this issue. Sorry for that...
  15. Haven't decided yet, probably signature will be available to regular user too, just a bit limited.
  16. Interesting solution :) Can u show how it looks when someone is damaged, and dead too? Cause everybody on the screenshot is alive.
  17. I still have to tweak a bit lenght of the hp bar, because I have noticed sometimes it's overlaping on the frags column, which was not my intention.
  18. I have tried that too, but this red color makes it unreadable, but who cares for tomatoes ;)
  19. Investigating, but currently have no time (friends visiting me). My advice until I fix this, don't use default icons, try Jimbo or sth at least.
  20. Can you try english version if there is any difference?
  21. Same script used in both mods, so consider Locastans do the same issue, or at least try without it and see if there is any difference.
  22. If you have ever donated to me, or you are my "Patreon", please let me know in a PM, so I will give you a special title on my forums. I might either need your name and email to identify with all paypal / patreon donations. All confirmed users who donated at least $15 (10€) will get new forum title "Premium user" and their permissions will be elevated to something better than regular forum users (no limits in PM box, can have more detailed signatures etc.. - will make a list later)
  23. I have heard that some mods are causing this, these were metioned: - YasenKrasen session stats - Gnomefeather sound mods
  24. For example: {{nick%.12s~..}} Means: - display player name with clan tag - cut the name to 12 characters - use ".." as a placeholder for all names over 12 characters
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