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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Jesli chodzi o modpacka odemnie to nic sie nie zmienilo. Jest dozwolony tak jak wczesniej.
  2. Cos sie dzieje ze serwerem EU dzisiaj moze to to.
  3. Typical path is usually: c:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain\hitLog.xc
  4. Yup, with notepad++, editing that file etc.
  5. I will not add it, it contains adware. I can add it in future when I make sure it's adware free.
  6. I'm not sure, it was probably possible with the removed hangar component. As for manualy doing this, you can try to delete that quotes inside " ", or maybe change hotkey to something you don't press.
  7. Yes it comes with Radial Menu. Path to config: mods\configs\PYmods\RadialMenu\skins\YanoErika & SinaMafuyu.json
  8. That icons in XVM hitlog are no image files, we're using xvm font to display it. That defines that icons in hitlog.xc: "deadMarker": "w", "blowupMarker": "x", I'm using: "deadMarker": "v", "blowupMarker": "x",
  9. You must install the modpack in the folder where is your WoT installed. The installer may try to find it, but it won't work well if you have multiple instances of the same game or moved the game folder to different place after the game installation. Maybe this is your case.
  10. Could you show it on a screenie or post a video and tell at which minute:second it can be seen ?
  11. Remove hangar clock and calculator, some people experience problems with this mod.
  12. Startup of what, the game client or battle? Besides logs are from old modpack. Latest one is #16. Get it and try again.
  13. Do you have "Fix ASIA fonts mod" installed? Try without it maybe?
  14. Ok, great, maybe the file got corrupted on upload, mediafire didnt warn me about it.
  15. Whether it's a truth you may want to report it to the mod author. You have't post logs so I have no clue which mod you are using too. The Customization Manager won't be developed any longer from what I know, so it leaves you with Auxilium and it's @ShuraBBwho made this.
  16. v1.3.0.1 #16b (16-01-2019): - corrected the Centurion skins branches and names
  17. Podmienilem instalke na poprawioną na wgmods, mozna pobrac.
  18. Centurion Mk. I > Centurion Mk. 3 "Fireball" = tak powinno byc i wtedy bym mial jasnosc. Moderzy tak nazywaja te skiny i remodele ze mozna sie pogubic.
  19. Normalnie, jak sie czlowiek spieszy... Mial byc radio button, a wyszedl checker.... no i inna galazka.
  20. v1.3.0.1 #16 (16-01-2019): - updated XVM 7.7.10-dev [8739] - updated Change client language: EN, RU, UA - updated the anti-mirror files - updated session stats YasenKrasen - updated crosshair: Deegie - fixed combo Battle Observer + Battle Observer's server crosshair - moved skin Centurion Mk. 9 "Thunderbolt" (Avalon) to Centurion Mk. 3 branch
  21. Moj blad - Naprawilem ten celownik serwerowy, bedzie dzisiaj.
  22. Zaraz sprawdze, moze dzisiejszy mikropatch cos popsul, ale watpie.
  23. Juz rozwiazalem kilkanascie ponad 3 tygodnie temu czy jakos tak. Jesli wybierzesz te dwa na raz to zostanie wybrany celownik serwerowy od BO. v1.3.0.1 #06 (23-12-2018): - uwaga: istnieje konflikt między BO a celownikiem serwerowym Elkano - jesli ktoś zainstaluje oba mody, to zostanie automatycznie użyty celownik serwerowy wbudowany w BO. A te wywalanie to od kiedy? Dzisiaj jest nowy xvm, bedzie nowa paczka, moze to byc powiazane.
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