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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Cannot reproduce, installed same mods and I see that values. Maybe you moved it out of your screen boundaries accidentaly?
  2. You are using old modpack, you need to use latest one to have best stability.
  3. It's not in any folder, yuo have to download old version from some website, i.e.: http://wotsite.net/pritsely/8572-super-pritsely-meltymap-dlya-world-of-tanks.html
  4. Currently I do not provide this, I belive you need consolas font only. Ultimately use my installer, it will install you proper fonts, pick my recommended XVM only config from the drop down menu on the top and you will get the same what's in my XVM only package. consolaz.ttf consolai.ttf consola.ttf consolab.ttf
  5. Nie da sie pomoc, za malo informacji. W moim podpisie link do tego jak zalaczyc logi itp. Napisz cos wiecej co sie dzieje konkretnie.
  6. @Bull_Rhino You have installed wrong modpack, you need modpack for ASIA which is v9.22.0.1 #19 - also keep in mind to not install anything tagged with PMOD or from it's section in the modpack (except for certain server crosshairs which are there)
  7. Here https://ci.appveyor.com/project/rstarkov/tankiconmaker/build/artifacts build 135 from today.
  8. I'm using yaya070 version of the Wizards icons, mostly because wizard is not updating his mod in proper time (or at all). Unfortunatley yaya hasn't released it yet, still waiting. He said he should have the icons ready by the weekend.
  9. v1.0.0 #07 (23-03-2018): - updated XVM 7.5.0 [8252] - updated Class colored icons (by Ghostman101278) - updated crosshair: Standard+, Taipan2, Standard in White, Zayaz - updated crosshair script - updated PYmodsCore and vxBattleFlash dependency libraries - added Compact horizontal tech-tree - added Damage Panel: Zayaz, Mini, Rabbit, Shtys - added crosshair: Taipan - added anti-mirror to PogS contour icons - added contour icons: Ghostman101278 - fixed XVM's reload sounds - fixed 120 fps limiter
  10. W opcjach graficznych gry zaznaczyles alternatywny zestaw kolorow (CB) moze? Jesli nie to zalacz logi.
  11. Trzeba odznaczyc czolg aby nie byl w rezerwie, nie powiem dokladnie jak w tej chwili, pewnie tak samo jak sie robilo aby tam trafil.
  12. I will re-add it as soon as it's updated or fixed. It couldn't be moved after you move it twice.
  13. Typical, happens when Asia is the last not updated region. I think that Pmod has some kind of bug but ru author is ignoring that fact.
  14. Powinno sie udac, uzywasz zwyklego launchera czy WG Center? Jesli masz skroty na puplicie to musisz je tez zaktualizowac.
  15. Na pewno nie masz w magazynie? W paczce nie mam moda ktory by sprzedawal rzeczy gracza
  16. v1.0.0 #06 (22-03-2018): - updated XVM 7.5.0-dev [8251] [battle results fix] - added contour icons: GolKosh - added Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun Sounds (Zorgane) [might not be compatible with certain tank skins] - fixed installing Webium icons - removed Friendly arty aiming position [critical]
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