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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Do you guys have this problem when installing XVM only, without any other single mod? Would be great if someone can try it that way and send me logs.
  2. Powodem ze nie widzisz zarowek jest problem z czcionką XVM, wejdz do nich w windowsie, i skasuj wszystkie czcionki z nazwa XVM a nastepnie przeinstaluj paczke.
  3. Nie ma nowszej wersji tego moda, wiec musisz z tym zyc, albo poczekac az wyjdzie nowy Trajectory mod.
  4. You cannot block popup window. It comes with the installer.
  5. Fixes, but you get not intended font style :/ Provably better than nothing.
  6. v9.20 #03 (01-09-2017): - updated XVM to nightly 7874 [fixed bootcamp mode, fixed "contourIcon"/"amount" option] - updated vxBattleFlash v1.5.1 - updated contour icons: J1mbo - updated TessuMod - updated SpotMessanger - added ATAC! - added Wide border of maps [full version] - temporary removed Crew Skill Informer, Johny_Bafak's Vertical Techtree, Trajectory, Research Watchdog
  7. Wyczyść może cache XVM w appdata https://eu.wargaming.net/support/kb/articles/396
  8. This version of Session Statistics requires XVM to work. There is also a non-XVM one, but I'm not using it.
  9. Removing Research watchdog solved it?
  10. That means Webium didn't update his mod properly, I only copied it from his latest modpack.
  11. https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/40744-missing-letters-in-tank-and-player-names/
  12. Może usuń Pionowe drzewko badań od Johny_Bafak
  13. Zainstalowalem te same mody co w logach i wszystko mi dziala. :/ Moze w kolejnym modpaku cos sie poprawi, bo wywalam pare modow ktore mogą siać czasami.
  14. Looks like it's Johny Bafak Tech-Tree causing it. However I cannot reproduce this.
  15. Crew Skill Informer is bugged maybe try without it. I'm investigating it further.
  16. Cannot reproduce, maybe it depends what tank you have in hangar. Maybe try without Johny Bafak Tech-Tree?
  17. I will check it later today. If it's my fault or author intention.
  18. Maybe just click on direct link. You can always support my work with other tools if you like to.
  19. No tak czy inaczej nie mam tego jak naprawic bo to nie blad po stronie instalatora. Jesli link sie otwiera w przegladarce, a instalator nie potrafi stamtad pobrac to znaczy ze cos go blokuje na kompie. Kazdy ma co innego poinstalowane/poustawiane takze nie da sie zgadnac co to moze blokowac.
  20. v.6.10.0 #01 (31-08-2017): - updated skin DD Błyskawica skin 1940 - updated skin BB Impreator Nikolai I - updated Transparent unobtained achievements - updated Red unobtained achievements - updated Texture-Loaded Ambient Occlusion - updated Player Panels: Hakabase, BADoBEST - updated Class Panel with hp bars - updated Blueman's Detection Mod - updated Kancolle UI (by garfield001) - updated contour icons: garfield001 - updated Ship Previews icons KanColle - updated Compressed textures for weak computers - added Ship Name Romanization
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