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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Great, send me link later, and a source where I can find future updates.
  2. Unfortunately all old sound mods not working anymore.
  3. I can only add mods that exist. Link it if you know a source.
  4. Received damage announcer from Elkano has it, and it's in the modpack. However it's disabled it a config, so you have to manualy edit it if you like to see it. res_mods\configs\ElkRDA.json "announce_spg": { "enabled": true,
  5. Witaj, Czyszczenie wszelakich folderów, i cachów nic nie da, bo problem nie siedzi tam. Server XVM oblicza Twoje WN8 poprzez łączenie się z WG poprzez API i sprawdzanie Twoich wyników, a następnie ich przekalkulowaniu na WN8. Wszystko odbywa się niezależnie od tego czy masz XVM czy nie, możesz grać na czystym kliencie a i tak inni zobaczą jakie masz WN8. Zrobiłeś dobrze pisząc do nich na ich forum supportu. Niestety pomoc nie zawsze przychodzi tam szybko. Pozdr.
  6. Instalator nie obsluguje gaming center w pelni. Oczywiscie mody sie zainstaluja i beda dzialac bez problemu, jedyny problem to ze nie zadzialaja funkcje instalatora takie jak detekcja regionu i klienta gry, oraz uruchamianie gry z poziomu instalatora.
  7. v.6.9.0 #05 (17-08-2017): - added ports: Dunkirk (by GoldPile), Nagasaki Night - added Red unobtained achievements (by Quaksen) - updated Transparent unobtained achievements - updated Matchmaking Monitor v1.0.7.1
  8. Cos na kompie trzyma plik czcionki arialn.ttf, skasuj go ręcznie, albo nie restartuj, i tak dokończ instalację. Upewniej sie ze instlujesz z prawami admina.
  9. Zawsze nalezy pobierac najnowsza wersje modpacka przed zglaszaniem problemow.
  10. You're using old modpack, it was fixed.
  11. v9.19.1.2 #02 (17-08-2017): - updated hangar anti-mirror file [used with few contour icons] - updated contour icons: corecroft27, Ghostman101278, man1aq, PogS, Wizards - updated Class colored icons (by Ghostman101278) - updated PMOD #27-3 - updated Hangman v2.14.5 - updated Two Steps From Hell Music Mod - added TessuMod (WOT/Teamspeak integration mod) - removed YasenKrasen: Text extension
  12. You have this error in python : File "scripts/common/Lib/urllib2.py", line 442, in error This is commonly see when a mod cannot connect to the internet.
  13. ScriptLoader is trying to load what he founds in a folder. Otherwise you wouldn't see any error. If you cannot find that file, then something on your PC is deleting it in the process.
  14. They comes and goes with WG updates, maybe XVM team has to redone them again.
  15. Loaded very same mods like you and I have no problems to log in. Try to clean up WoT cache.
  16. Internet connection for mods is blocked, maybe you have something else that is controlling this.
  17. I still need to see logs, info in my signature. Looks like camo manager is bugged, I will check if there is updated version. As of that problem with missing elements in hangar, I think it was a WG bug, but still need logs to check it out.
  18. Change crosshair to another one, Harpoon and Deegie are bugged when it comes to automatic ammo switching.
  19. No idea what are you using, it's your antivir and every antivir/firewall is different, open that app and you will see what options you have, whitelist, notifications etc.
  20. You have selected them to be installed. Original icons colored by class color.
  21. v9.19.1.2 #01 (16-08-2017): - updated XVM to 6.8.2 - updated Tech-Tree & Battle Results: Class colored icons v1 and v2 - updated Premium tanks colored by gold - updated contour icons: Aslain, Qualan, Grandorf, Corehorn, Witblitz, XSerzHX - updated hitzones goharu
  22. Try without XVM, it's already crashing when you click on preview of any tank.
  23. Mi nic nie wyskakuje takiego. Co do problemu o ktorym pisales, wydaje i sie ze to bedzie przez XVM, ale jeszcze sprawdzam. edit: tak to przez XVM, dlatego trzeba z tym zyc az nie zrobią nowej wersji.
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