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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. They may never be back again, I cannot download all icons properly, there is some problem caused by either WG api or icon downloading script. I cannot fix it myself so.... You can use the top 1000 clan icons only for now.
  2. I will fix it in next modpack, the reason for this is maybe because you've not activated the xvm services on their page.
  3. Yes, removed, because game files was changed and this mod requires update.
  4. v9.19.0.2 #11 (24-06-2017): - updated XVM to nightly 7680 - updated Painted Rollers - updated XVM's OTM with thick HP bars by Aslain - added player names option to thick OTM with HP bars by Aslain - added Star Wars Music Mod - replaced Two Steps From Hell music with my version [for 9.19]
  5. Wydaje mi sie ze masz za mala rozdzielczosc ekranu, i zwyczajnie sie juz nie miesci, zmniejsz ilosc rzedow karuzeli moze.
  6. Oczywiscie taka kombinacje testowalem, u mnie problem nie wystepuje niestety. Wiec nie jest to jakis blad instalatora. Byc moze po pierwszej instalacji cos trzyma plik, ktory nie daje sie nadpisac przy kolejnej instalacji. Zrestartuj PC pomiedzy instalacjami a noz pomoze.
  7. Nie wiem czy dobrze rozumiem, ale zaladowalem te same mody i normalnie moge zmieniac wyposazenie, w logach nie widze bledow, moze pokaz jeszcze na obrazku jak wyglada ten problem.
  8. No idea why, but I noticed a cpu info overlay in left bottom corner, try to play without this.
  9. This is russian mod, and I don't know if it's translated to english at all, think I saw some english notification once, but also russian ones. No clue. I cannot translate it anyway, so live with this of remove
  10. 99.9% removed mods are always because they have stopped to work. When I find new versions, I will re-include them again.
  11. Nie pisze nic, bo juz kolega Ci wyjasnil
  12. How often it happens and in what battle type? bShow it on screenshot, and attach logs, but first check if you didn't hide them, press CTRL+TAB few times.
  13. Caused by bug in IT translation: line 394 is defined as english en.OnScreenBattleDisplay=---------------[ Informazioni battaglia su schermo ]------------------------- This is messing up translation
  14. Yes it does, but it doesn't cripple the game, the only change is in one script that is loading external .pyc from res_mods. This is this script: copy_reg.pyc When you feels like to get original scripts.zip, you simply launch integrity check via game launcher and it will download you that file (around 30MB). However mentioned mods will stop to work.
  15. When it happens and how often? Try remove Battle Observer maybe? I assume you have all drivers and everything up to date?
  16. No idea why would this happen to you, I can only advise you to reduce mods amount. Start with those related to garage. Try without BO too (it's know from being very messy mod)
  17. I cannot reproduce this issue. From what I read on internet this issue is even on vanilla client. If you think it's related to mods, try to reduce their amount.
  18. It's not the installer issue for sure, I don't experience such problems. It's related to your windows setting and apps.
  19. I don't think it's mods, alt-tab was known WoT problem in recent updates. Try to check game files integrity via launcher, try without mods too. Update your game drives, and check if you don't have custom gfx settings via driver settings. Your logs have missing few critical files to me. I assuming your pc is messing them up and prevented their creation.
  20. v6.6.1.1 #00 (22-06-2017): - initial version for WoWs
  21. As for that errors you pasted, well it happens with some mods, but it's not critical, not causing any serious issues.
  22. Zainstalowalem te same mody jak w logach, i mam bialy tekst z kolorowym cieniem. To cos u Ciebie, przeinstaluj paczke moze, upewnij sie ze jakis antywir czy brak uprawnien admina nie miesza.
  23. I guess everyone else you would like to customize the OTM, currently it's not possible, that's why it's separated. When I find a way to make it possible, I will add it to modpack.
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