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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. ExtraAimInfo was not updated to 9.18, so if this is a problem to you, don't use it for now.
  2. v9.18.0 #15 (29-04-2017): - updated Hangman Hangar manager [now with a screensaver] - updated modslistapi [used in few mods] - updated Vehicle Exp Extended - updated Replays Manager - updated Direction indicator to closest enemy - added Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun Sounds (by Zorgane) - added Wargaming.net League Skins - Note: XVM's Win Chance is currently being reworked and is not working, no ETA.
  3. Last time I checked that mod was bugged, I informed mod author, he doesnt nothign about it. Saying he will check it only... Dont use this website, it's fake website, better use russians: http://wotsite.net/
  4. I cannot do anything about it, but I can check it, if you provide my logs.
  5. It has nothing to do with config, XVM devs disabled Win Chance globaly, it's being reworked.
  6. Strange but loaded same mods and no problem with the shop hmm. Try latest modpack btw. you are using some older version.
  7. There is not much we can do about it, you can try to edit xvm files but not sure you will get what you want, especialy that this should not affect fps. You can disable XVM OTM as a whole and use the built into WoT. GL
  8. Win chance is being reworked by XVM devs, they turned it off temporary. No ETA tho.
  9. v9.18.0 #14 (28-04-2017): - updated contour icons: J1mbo, DEbranded [3 versions], Druid, Tomsa, Frost - updated PMOD - added XVM carousel stats and style by DEbranded - added Battle Assistant for SPG [with activation requirement every couple of days - be aware the activation requires you to share a lot of WG account data with the modder - do it on your own responsibility!]
  10. Jesli o to chodzi to nie da sie mieszac minimapki WG z tą od XVM, musisz wybrać jedno albo drugie. Jak chcesz tą od WG musisz odznaczyć całą sekcję minimapki XVM w modpacku.
  11. Your logs are from old installer, always make sure you are using latest one before posting here. I tested both logs, from the OP and second one, all installations finished fine on my PC. I guess your problem must be related to some security applications (i.e. antivirus) that is blocking installation processes, and not allowing it to finish its job.
  12. Niestety reinstalacja nic nie da, to cos po stronie serwera XVM jest wylaczone, nie mam na to wplywu.
  13. Cannot reproduce your issue from given logs. So it's a local issue.
  14. Zalacz logi jeszcze abym mogl sprawdzic, bo to za wiele nie mowi.
  15. Try to select marked option, see how it works for you:
  16. There seem to be a global problem, I cannot do anything about it.
  17. When you uncheck whole section you will get default version of my xvm, better pick proper option, that has no wings etc.
  18. I have GeForce GTX 1070 and i5-6990K, when loaded same mods like you I'm getting 58fps by majority of battle, sometimes it jumped up to 70ish, then dropped to 58, but nothing else is happening. I play on max settings. I can only advise to update all your pc drivers, ultimately reduce mods amount.
  19. Nie zalaczyles logow, ale okregi zasiegow dzialaja, uzywam ich codziennie w modpaku. Na czystym kliencie sa uzywane inne, wbudowane przez WG.
  20. Witam, Wszystko jest dobrze ustawione, to ludzie od XVM cos namieszali.
  21. v9.18.0 #13 (27-04-2017): - updated XVM to 6.6.4 - updated VersusMod - updated session stats YasenKrasen - added Personal Missions Helper - added Change client messages to Polish language - added Elkano's Minimap Ping Spam Blocker - added Compact horizontal tech-tree - added Display Team HP on the battle interface [XVM] - re-added missing XVM icons for multi-purpose
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