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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Załadowałem te same mody jak w logach i gra mi dziala bez problemow. W python masz logi ktorych ja nie mialem, cos odnosnie dziwekow itp. Dziwne w ogole bo w logach pisze ze nie wykryto klienta gry we folderze docelowym. Instalujesz paczke do wlasciwego miejsca?
  2. Cannot reproduce, first battle played and it's registering arty dmg and hits. Check if you have this file: mods\configs\oldskool\artylog\artylog_cache.json and if it's accessible (as nothing blocks it).
  3. Nie mam wplywu na dzialanie tego moda. Trzeba by zgłosić to autorom, ale to niestety rosjanie, więc cięzko z komunikacją.
  4. Na razie nie, ale jest guzik resetowania, można w niego kliknąć w garażu i po problemie.
  5. I could place it on the right side, but it won't be visible for people using low screen resolutions.
  6. lafu translation: es.noRedFlash=Desactivar el flash rojo cuando un enemigo golpea tu tanque Guillermoto translation: es.noRedFlash=Desactivar el flash rojo cuando golpeas un tanque enemigo Which one is correct?
  7. v6.2.1 #02 (17-03-2017): - updated No rust skins - updated skin: Błyskawica - updated Compressed textures weak computers - updated Shrinked ribbons - updated Unique camo for all ships - added MLP Flags
  8. Wrong picture attached? ps. please provide logs too.
  9. Automatic resetting is gone, but reset button is there, 1 click on it isn't too much work
  10. This is normal XVM path, your av is oversensitive, and probably blocking you too much stuff.
  11. Don't install: Compass Elements Move compass elements #2 (rework by Aslain) It's not suitable for your screen resolution. I'd have to make totaly new mod for every resultion, it's a no go, especialy that I own 1080p screen only.
  12. v9.17.1 #24 (17-03-2017): - updated Advanced tips for skills [PL] (for today's micropatach) - updated Change client messages to Polish language (for today's micropatach) - updated White Dead Skins [also added separated wagons] - updated contour icons: DEbranded - added contour icons: contrabass - added music mods: TwoStepsFromHell (by Aslain), Old Good Rock (by EagleB3)
  13. Załączyłeś .exe Widziałem że ludzie od XVM coś kombinują z XMQP, być może nowsza wersja zrobi jakąś różnice, ja na to nie mam w ogóle wpływu.
  14. Coś musi zmieniać, pewnie model czołgu z SD na HD. Chyba wygląda na bardziej szczegółowy niż ten od WG.
  15. Chances are really low, it was requested a lot of times, mostly Melty one. You need to find someone who can make it.
  16. Author is WotFanChannel http://forum.worldoftanks.ru/index.php?/topic/1374243- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gooipnFXH4
  17. I cannot do anything about it, it's not my mod, and since author are some russian modders. You would have to ask them :/
  18. I see XVM devs are messing with XMQP maybe it's related, well wait for next XVM update who knows.... Otherwise I cannot do anything about it.
  19. Have you looked at this: -es.noRedFlash=Desactivar el flash rojo cuando golpeas un tanque enemigo +es.noRedFlash=Desactivar el flash rojo cuando un enemigo golpea tu tanque
  20. Rozmawialem z Milkymanem, napisal mi ze wszystko jest ok, ze ten czolg tak wyglada, to po prostu przerobka w HD, na podglądzie modpacka jest naniesiona jedna ze skórek z gry, więc wyglada troche inaczej.
  21. I marked you what to delete, at least on the pic you attached (I know you uninstalled the game, but maybe someone else can find it usefull)
  22. v6.2.1 #01 (16-03-2017): - added flags by MajorRenegade [except for MLP] - updated all contour icons by MajorRenegade
  23. There was a bug in old installer, it was already fixed same day (like 5 days ago?) Uninstall the modpack, get latest one and install again or manualy delete those folders (they are always empty).
  24. Corrected, this crap happens when I copy old message, edit it, then save, and forum scripts reverst to original link/msg for whatever reason, grrrr, happened few times already. So annoying bug.
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