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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Background transfer may affect network performance but also computer performance (I/O operations when writing etc.), but once all is downloaded (no trasnfer) it shouldn't matter. I recommend cFos, got it on my Logitec keyboard G19s:
  2. I always run something like Netmeter (currently I use cFos speed) to monitor my network. Thanks to this I know when something strange is happening, and uses up my transfer.
  3. Zobacz bez modow, slyszalem ze to samo sie dzieje niektorym.
  4. Internal fix, battle_elements.xml was being copied from the mod to the game, it was unwanted, since I'm dealing with this file differently. As for mirrored icons, I will try to do something another day. I'm done today.
  5. 9.15.2 build 00 (15-09-2016): - initial version for WoT - updated the minimap images from 9.16 CT - updated XVM to v6.4.3
  6. Only if I find it updated to current wot version. You can use current Info Panel, it's movable.
  7. v5.11.0.05 (15-09-2016): - small fix related to BADoBEST Player's Panel - added Combat interface "Black Citadel" - added autospy contour icons - note: don't use Region Changer with SEA server (requires update)
  8. You probably used the other skin mod that is outdated. New ships will have missing camo etc.
  9. build 29 (14-09-2016): - added the minimap images from 9.16 CT - updated Johny_Bafak's Vertical Techtree [F8 for settings] - updated Script Loader Pro v1.17 - removed unwanted script from Vehicle Exp Extended installation folder
  10. Please try with mods from the modpack only. I've noticed you adding extra stuff.
  11. Currently I don't store old installers. By the way, older version may work because it's not triggering some false-positive detection, while the other may have. It's random, I have no influence on this, it's all caused by other software like antivir.
  12. Something (antivir?) is blocking that mod, and it's blocking whole game from loading for you. It's checking for version on pastebin.com (maybe add it to exception).
  13. I stopped to use Johny_Bafak's Vertical Tech Tree because some tanks were missing there, but I can update to new version, shall see. As for Joja15 icons, they are not updated for a long time, so no point to add them.
  14. Please include logs otherwise I cannot do anything, I saw people reported black parts of map, but never told me details (map name, and where on map, and in what battle mode).
  15. When I loaded same mods I saw all icons, so I cannot do anything, it works on my PC fine.
  16. Sprawdze, ale nie widze zwiazku Javy z modami czy gra, po prostu go nie ma, nie jest ona wymagana do niczego tam. Na tych samych modach u mnie nic sie nie dzieje takiego. Watpie zeby to byly mody, raczej komputer, zaktualizuj drivery itp.
  17. Make sure you are using latest installer. I was just able to download that file via installer.
  18. It seem that something on your PC blocked the installer, and it didn't install mods properly hence missing Navigator. No idea what it is, probably some application like antivir etc.
  19. v5.11.0.04 (13-09-2016): - added Improved Chat (Displays ship name in brackets) - added Interface Akatsuki Enchant by Xandier59 [DLC] - added Interfejs Haruna Enchant by Xandier59 [DLC] - added Arpeggio of Blue Steel UI Theme Pack [DLC] - added Arpeggio Hit Effects Everywhere - added Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Skin & UI Pack [DLC] (by Haruna Line) - updated minimap by fugetsu - updated MLP commander crew - updated contour icons: MajorRenegade
  20. Cannot reproduce, better check pc (antivir etc.)
  21. Wszystkiego jak na filmiku nie uzyskasz. Np. nie da sie zywo widziec paski zycia wszystkich graczy z obu druzyn, nie ma tryb przelaczania sie miedzy wszystkimi i widzenie jako obserwator. itd. Ale czesc rzeczy mozna upodobnic jak Panel Graczy, czy OTM - jest to bardzo duzo roboty. Ten gość zwykle robil cos co mozna nazwac imitacjami WGL itp, daleko do idealu ale moze Ci pomoze, nie wiem czy nadal dziala z aktualnym XVM. http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/15749-6221-200516-xserzhx-config/
  22. Mozna zmienic czcionke. Proponujesz jakąś konkretną? Na razie jest jak jest, ale bedzie to przywrocone do stanu podobnego przed 9.15.1 z czasem.
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