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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Widziales juz taki mod? Bo jak nie to ktos musialby go zrobic.
  2. Wszystko juz wrocilo, w ostatniej paczce jest ten mod z obrazka, oraz slady trafien.
  3. 1. From what I understood, ShuraBB fixed viewrange in HD minimap mod. 2. That feature has been added recently, to the new Melty Map mod.
  4. Kiedy pobrales dokladnie? Ten blad podgladu tego jednego moda zostal naprawiony, pobierz nowy instalator albo nie klikac po podgladzie tego moda i bedzie ok.
  5. The links is valid. It leads to Mega, what message do you see on the mega website?
  6. the .inf log file is missing. Download latest installer, logs are outdated.
  7. Download the installer again, or don't use picture preview for this particular mod.
  8. I updated just now, launch the installer and clean up dlc folder to get new icons.
  9. I fixed it yesterday, redownload the installer again, preferably from torrent, because there is a chance that mirrors contains older version. Anyway it's just picture, don't expect too much from it. It will show you default wot light bulb.
  10. This mod version MeltyMap's MathMod with effective armor calc [beta version] is not displaying ammo clip to me, I just see number of shells in a clip, not their actual images.
  11. Hmm could be some other camera related option. If you can try edit camera.xc and disable it totaly, change true to false at enabled. Also attach your Aslains log zip, I will check it on my computer.
  12. I couldn't reproduce your issue, I'm affraid that only people from XVM forum may help you. http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/forum/57-xvm-english-support-and-discussions/ It must be something related to your account on XVM servers, they should have answers for you since they are maintaining it all.
  13. Raczej juz nie ma sensu, i tak z tym nic nie zrobie, bo skorki mi dzialaja, wiec dzialac musza, co do problemow z dzwiekiem to ostatnio XVM szaleje, nie wiem ktora paczke masz, zobacz najnowsza.
  14. Do you install zoom indicator mod? Try without it.
  15. Could you also attach _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf
  16. v9.15.18 (14-06-2016): - updated contour icons: HakkerLP - updated XVM-6.3.2 (5780) (fixed missing 6th sense sounds, fixed tank carousel) - added Spotting markers (without XVM) - added Sixth Sense Duration from PMOD
  17. Do you mean you fixed gambiter log? Which one?
  18. Zainstalowany skalujacy sie celownik. Tak jak juz wyjasnilismy na chacie.
  19. I tried that too, but it's just too many lines. I just don't get it, why authors of these mods aren't creating compatible .xmls with other important mods, or at least leave instruction how to do it by myself. They surely share all that info with the russian modpack makers.
  20. Hope someone can tell, I'm not expert of WoWs camera
  21. Looks like it's XVM bug http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/32238-6th-sense-sound/
  22. Z tego co slyszalem to blad w grze. Dzieje sie tez bez modow. Tak mi pisano.
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