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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. v5.6.0.00 (26-05-2016): - initial release for WoWs - removed not working mods, I will bring them back when they start to work again - if you cannot find your favorite mod, don't ask to re-add it, read the line above - this is initial version so might be buggy, please report all issues
  2. v9.15.02 (26-05-2016): - updated ZJ OTM Reloads [working period to 29.05.2016, yes - 3 days only] - updated contour icons: Wizard, Prudenter, Tomsa, Ashbane, Riskynet, PogS, Man1aq, Druid, XiCynx - updated SafeShot Extended - updated crew voices: Madagascar, King Julian, Four tank-men and a dog - updated mods by Krzyszof Chodak (Research Watchdog, Chat Filter etc.) - removed Multi Hit Log by RN (outdated) - removed Standard crosshair, with better timer and more (outdated) - removed few incompatible crew voice mods - added UT Announcer - added HD minimap by ShuraBB
  3. Prosilem o to ludzi od XVM, ale zero odpowiedz poki co.
  4. Sometimes I may forget to update it especially when overworked like now, and this is the case. This is valid hash for 01 3fed84c9f70f8c2375d035b00bbe68228389b81db30cfa3ee43eb536eb4a5442
  5. Lista modow jest aktualizowana tylko co jakis czas, aby miec ogolne pojecie co jest w modpacku. aktualnie ten mod nie dziala pod 9.15, czekamy na jego darmowa nowa wersje. Dlatego nie mozna jej zainstalowac.
  6. Remove XVM font from the system. If you dont know how, google it.
  7. v9.15.01 (26-05-2016): - fixed Synchronizing discounts bug (hopefully) - removed not working mods: vbaddict , Team HP Bar by Armagomen, Custom shell, consumable & module icons by by 2rokk & willow2000, UT Announcer, Colored Damage Stickers, Autoaim extended - updated Custom shell, consumable & module icons by ArasGrandpa - updated Received Damage Announcer by Elkano - updated Elkano's Minimap Ping Spam Blocker - updated Radial Menu - added Personal Missions Helper - fixed installing certain players panel
  8. Wybrales instalacje bez XVM, stad nie bedzie karuzeli i tego wszystkiego. Nalezy wybrac czysta instalacje pelna.
  9. It's not working this is why I removed it.
  10. Nie instalowac vbaddict, oraz Team HP bars of Armagomen
  11. You have very minimal mod setup, just few lines in XVM. I loaded same modpack with same setup and not experience this.
  12. Naprawilem 404. Vbaddict nie uzywajcie, bo popsute.
  13. Nie zalaczyles logow, wiec te informacje mi sie nie przydadza niestety.
  14. I need logs, pics alone is not enough. However dead-alive tanks is a bugger, you would have to remove mods 1 by 1 to find which mod is doing this. Prolly some spotting mod.
  15. Attach logs, info in signature.
  16. I will add it just not next modpack, I got stuff to deal with first.
  17. v9.15.00 (25-05-2016): - initial modpack version for WoT 0.9.15 - updated XVM to XVM- (5667) - updated contour icons: Aslain, Panzerleiter, Webium - removed not working mods, I will bring them back when they start to work agaon - if you cannot find your favorite mod, don't ask to re-add it, read the line above
  18. Paczke ukonczylem w 65% jak na razie, powinna byc wieczorem pierwsza wersja dla 9.15.
  19. im aware. but dont worry. prolly in next modpack.
  20. Zaladowalem te same mody i slysze dzwieki, to chyba cos u Ciebie.
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