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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Chyba battle xc, na razie sie w to nie zaglebialem bo wciaz to zmieniaja.
  2. Check if you have admin rights, and no antivirus (or alike) is interfering in the process.
  3. v5.4.2.00 (12-04-2016): - initial version for WoWs - updated Yet another zoom-out mod (by IKU19) - updated Zeiss cameras - updated contour icons: Hakabase, Panzerleiter - removed Smoke Boundaries (requires update)
  4. v9.14.31 (11-04-2016): - updated XVM (5393) - updated HangMan hanagr manager v2.8 [many important fixes to garage] - added the Moon Base hangar - applied a dirty fix to J1mbo's contour icons (since he didn't fix them yet)
  5. So l looks like there is something bugged in english version. I will leave it for now, for investigation. Why it always works for me?
  6. Oni niestety nie lubia specjalnie odpowiadac komus kto nie jest z rosyjskojezyczny. Zauwazylem ze zlewaja generalnie sekcje angielska, a najwiecej aktywnosci maja na sekcjach ru. Sam czekam na szereg odpowiedzi.
  7. To juz musisz ocenic samej/samemu, jesli uwazasz ze daje Ci to przewage, nie uzywaj. Takie reguly sa na EU. Debilne ale są. :P
  8. The only way is to play with sliders at Sound tab in-game settings.
  9. It's new feature in XVM. You can either edit it manualy, or try to disable Win Chance in XVM website profile.
  10. Nie moze sam strzelac, chyba ze jakiegos bota instalowales. Lepiej sprawdz myszke, ew. touchpada. Zalacz tez logi, abym mogl sprawdzic u siebie, jesli nie pomoglo powyzsze.
  11. There. mod_modpack.pyc is required, if you delete it, or replace with something else, it won't work. Hangar_Armor_Inspector.zip
  12. staty z xvm. takze pisz do nich na koreanrandom.
  13. v9.14.30 (10-04-2016): - updated Autoaim indicator+ (0.9.14-20160409) - updated White Dead Skins [critical update!] - updated UI Scale Mod [by Locastan + Kir_Vik + Ekspoint] - added Focus mod [by ekspoint] - added hitzone skins Goha.ru [sD]
  14. cannot give you solution. since i dont experience this problem.
  15. Yeah if you are on NA read my changelog and review your modpack selections.
  16. Crashing is usually Navigator and Smoke mod.
  17. Zalacz logi, sprawdze u siebie :( To sie pojawilo w .29? A wczesniej miales jaka wersje?
  18. Bardzo niska czestoliwosc wystepowania problemu, bedzie ciezko to wyszukac. Ja zagralem pare bitew i nic sie nie dzieje. Zalacz wszystkie logi. Brakuje niektorych.
  19. What do you mean by occuying same spot? Checking your logs anyway.
  20. It solved a bug in python at least, I will update them today, as it's critical issue, when someone or you dies in new WGL tank.
  21. INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 4258653052 Code: 15 etc is s bug made by WG. Not related to modpack.
  22. v9.14.29 (09-04-2016): - updated XVM (5389) - updated 15m circle mod (displays a 15m circle around your vehicle on F9 key) - updated XVM's config (battle.xc) - applied dirty fix to sound error caused by WG in python.log [not compatible with certain crew voices] - fixed encoding in german translation
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