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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. INFO: LoadMod: ZJ_AimBotShaytan You guys installing 3rd party mods, that are bugged I guess.
  2. Armour Penetration Indicator causing this.
  3. The same, please install my mods only, you are installing 3rd party bugged mods I guess.
  4. Please remove all mods that are not from my modpack and try again, then post logs :) Anyway played few battles and had no issues.
  5. I'm closing to solve this. One mod for sure causing this: Armour Penetration Indicator And probably some mods from scripts/client/mods/ folder. When they are not updated properly (or not updated at all) by their authors, they will cause crazy issues like for example unable to send and receive platoon invitations.
  6. PMOD? Hmmm, could be yeah, it's very complex mod. Try without it.
  7. It's probably one mod in package causing this, I cannot find it, since this mod is not causing any issues to me. Try to remove mods 1 by 1 and I can bet you will find the mod.
  8. Still cannot reproduce on my pc, but this issue is so popular now. How weird no.
  9. You give no logs here. I couldn't reproduce this issue.
  10. Gralem bitwe, nie spotkalem ani jednego z wypisanych problemow :( Logi pythona tez wyjatkowo czyste.
  11. Sciagnij instalator .11 ponownie, pownno byc lepiej.
  12. Sciagnij najnowszy instalator .11, i jak problem wystepuje zalacz z niego logi, brakuje mi logow zip, ewentualnie .inf.
  13. Have made small mistake and included old RDA in spourman, hotfixing this atm.
  14. v9.14.11 (21-03-2016): - updated OTM Reloads v079 by ZJ [works until 01.04.2016] - updated Damage Panel: Zayaz, KobkaG, Shtys - updated contour icons: Webiums - added Chat filter (hate blocker) by Krzysztof_Chodak - added Armour Penetration Indicator (by lelicopter & lportii) - added UT Announcer - replaced the outer damagepanel with inner style - disabled Armoring extended by spoter [not working] - moved Radial Menu, Received Damage announcer, Spot messanger and Reload messanger to Chat branch [you have to re-select that mods again]
  15. I could not find it updated, so there will be tanks with missing hitzone skin. Cannot find real source of this mod.
  16. Ktos musialby je przerobic i zrobic ciszej, to juz zadanie dla autorow tych dzwiekow.
  17. Zainstaluj najnowszy instalator, i zrob czysta instalacje, bo w logach takiej nie dajesz, jesli problem jest nadal to zalacz najnowsze logi. Najlepiej poczekaj bedzie modpak .11, najlepiej z niego logi.
  18. Nie mam pojecia co moze blokowac te zaproszenia do plutonow, u mnie nic takiego sie nigdy nie dzialo jeszcze. Jesli chodzi o blokowanie celownika to moge sprawdzic, jesli zalaczysz najnowsze logi z najnowszego instalatora.
  19. Milkyman will refuse to add them for sure, he don't want to share his mods in modpack because of monetization of adly links. Well this is his problem, he don't want to be popular, not my problem :)
  20. We have limited choices now, I will add more sounds with time, if someone makes them.
  21. So everytime you use dmg log gambiter, you get CTD's or you get them even without it?
  22. Could not reproduce. I see few code: 1 in your logs, that's too many of them there, prolly AV, check your pc. It's the cause.
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