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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. Zobacz po dzisiejszej aktualizacji, to pewnie ten RN loader, wczoraj jego tworca mnie bardzo przepraszal za problemy jego moda.
  2. Not sure what verion you use, so just re-download the installer, and launch it again, reinstall all mods.
  3. RKI editor is there, just in the bottom of mods list, but works the same way like before. Install it along with minimap by kvalme, or install separate minimap transparency mod that is also available.
  4. v5.3.1.05 (29-02-2016): - reworked the minimap section - removed dmg meter from the minimap by kvalme - moved damage meter to the various mods section - moved RKI editor to the various mods section - added Base Capture counter mod - added Over target torpedo & gun markers - added Torpedoes reload counter over guns - added Display damage done in battle results screen - added Minimap by monstrofil - added Colored Kill Messages with ship name - updated semi-transparent minimap (by Pturbo)
  5. Sorry for all the troubles it caused, I will remove that folder from uninstaller script.
  6. Uninstaller is removing all folders he is creating, mods folder in WoWs is one of them.
  7. Celownikow nie usuwalem, wiec jesli byl to musi byc nadal.
  8. Link to his topic is in the modpack preview.
  9. Got no time atm to check it, but maybe try to play without mods and see if there is a change.
  10. Sprawdze jeszcze logi pozniej i powiem ktory to font konkretnie brakuje w systemie.
  11. Odpal czysta gre i tez bedziesz mial bledy w python.log tez beda i to bez modow. Oczywiscie niektore mody powoduja pokazywanie roznych wpisow w logach, ale nie zawsze oznaczaja one bledy, a jak juz sa bledy to tez nie koniecznie powoduja jakiekolwiek konsekwencje, po za samym wpisem w logach. Fakt instalator troche dluzej sie uruchamia, ale za to daje wiecej mozliwosci.
  12. Any, that means you tried to download it from google drive too? With the same results?
  13. Czesc modow (tych ktore sa male, i srednie) jest wkodowana w instalator, reszta jest pobierana. Nie da sie zrobic tego co mowiles i zachowac wszystkie funkcje intalatora. Dla mnie zbedne jest uzywanie Generic mod enablera, gdyz wystarczy uruchomic instalator ponownie, i wybrac co sie chce, a jest to proste bo instalator pamieta ostanio wybrane elementy a mody raz pobrane, nie pobiera ponownie. Ten enabler nie pokazuje np. obrazkow, wiec nawet nie wiesz co ustawiasz, po za krotkim opisem,.
  14. Try different brower or disable antivir, hard to tell, it's something on your end.
  15. Someone said me once, he got problem with Damage Panel Gambiter, try to not use it at all. This is all I can recommend, remove some mods and see if it helped, you have some bad luck.
  16. Ten folder powstaje tam po to aby uzytkownicy ktorym sie fonty nie zainstalowaly, mogli zrobic to recznie. Nalezy kliknac pare razy na danej czcionce i potem na guzik instalacji. I tak z kazdym fontem tam, powinno pomoc.
  17. Hard to say, every app is different, cannot guess it for you :( Turn if off maybe for short time, and see if it helps.
  18. Like I said, I need all these logs. I just tried my otm with enemy/ally colored names and it works fine so it's waste of my time searching for possible bugs. Better check your options, you probably selected something. Show it on pic too :)
  19. Looks like the mod was not working only because empty folder for RN menu config was missing, oh well, could not predict it :)
  20. If you mean something like AimBot that aims for weakspots or predicts moving enemy position, then It's forbidden mod both in WoT and WoWs. So no, I cannot add it.
  21. It's because you are installing this mod: Smoke screen boundaries (by Tarki_Tau) [DLC] It's not compatible with zoom mods.
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