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  1. Aslain's post in Po aktualizacji modpacka do najnoweszej wersji wywala drzewko rozwojów, karuzele was marked as the answer   
    No czasami takie rzeczy sie moga dziac, wszystko zalezy od indywidualnych ustawien w windowsie, najlepiej instalowac bedac zalogowanym do konta pelnoprawnego admina w windows, i potem na tym koncie tez grac 🙂
  2. Aslain's post in Prośba o sprecyzowanie gdzie jest mod w paczce was marked as the answer   
    Na tą chwilę chyba najlepszy i najaktualniejszy mod to Eshter smart (inteligentne) które mają ruskie opcje w garażu, działa po wycelowaniu w czołg. Ewentualnie mniej aktualne (brakuje nowych czołgów z kilku ostatnich lat) KoreanRandom.

  3. Aslain's post in Automatyczny powrót wyposażenia problem was marked as the answer   
    Przerzuć sobie też pliki z AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\mods\kurzdor\autoequipmentreturn
  4. Aslain's post in Adjustable Markers Question was marked as the answer   
    It does that by default. If it doesn't, then perhaps your preferences.xml file is corrupted. In this case, you can try deleting or moving this file, and the game will create a new one. However, this action will reset all settings in both mods and the game.
  5. Aslain's post in WMCleaner Update Found was marked as the answer   
    Ok, well it's probably not a bug but simply a notification, but if you reinstall the modpack it will revert this app to older version, so I have to update it in the next modpack.
  6. Aslain's post in Team Panel Settings was marked as the answer   
    Different mods, different settings, they should be there if you decide to switch/return.
    They are stored in preferences.xml if you want to save them.
  7. Aslain's post in Modpack checker was marked as the answer   
    Download modpack version #00b, I fixed it there.
  8. Aslain's post in Team Mini-Panel: v2 - Ship icons missing. was marked as the answer   
    Fixed, download modpack #08b.
  9. Aslain's post in problem z instalacją modpack v1.23.0.1#00 was marked as the answer   
    Restartnij kompa, instaluj modpacka jako admin, sprawdz antywira. Problem lokalny.
  10. Aslain's post in CZ audio mod - Hlášky z filmů was marked as the answer   
    Probably, something wrong is only on your side the mod is fine. So it's either your choices or corrupted download or antivirus blocking it.
  11. Aslain's post in Crashing right start of a game. was marked as the answer   
    Crashes like that typically indicate issues with the tank's skins or models. If you've added third-party skin mods, remove them. Additionally, consider disabling hitzone skins. First, try verifying or fixing the game files through the game launcher.
  12. Aslain's post in Hawg's Countours Not Working was marked as the answer   
    Delete contouricons_Hawg_1. in DL_cache folder and reinstall the modpack.
  13. Aslain's post in Code for installer auto detect WoT installation path was marked as the answer   
    I'm using this:  https://gitlab.com/openwg/openwg.utils it's also used in the installer from the XVM Team. You can look how they coded it in Inno Setup here: https://gitlab.com/xvm/xvm.installer
    I recognize your name, I've seen it often on asian forums, probably related to anime mods or GuP. I even have some mods (anime music) from you in my modpack.
    I'm glad that you like my work 🙂
  14. Aslain's post in Is there a way to keep the vehicle contours and remove the colored vehicle names on the Panels? was marked as the answer   
    Show some screenshots and mark on them what you are talking about, what you want, and what you don't want. There is too many possibilities to provide clear answer without knowing what you are talking about. Attach logs too, just in case, more info in my post signature link.
  15. Aslain's post in Downloading issue 404 was marked as the answer   
    Hehe that topic you posted before was not for the 404 😉 
    Apparently the server for big files died, the admin fixed it, should be back online now, try again.
  16. Aslain's post in Elite levels question was marked as the answer   
    It's not easy to answer this. Please attach logs. Do you want to see it there or not out of curiosity? As far as I remember, XVM cannot hide elite levels on the battle loading screen. As for the team panels, I don't have any setup for XVM to display elite levels there. If you want to see them, you should not install XVM.
  17. Aslain's post in Reticle Mesage before battle was marked as the answer   
    I see, so this is not a welcome message, this is a warning. In this cause I would suggest you to manually delete this mod config, it's probably corrupted. Could you attach it here before you delete it ? I will send it to the mod author, maybe he made some mistake. It's in %appdata%

    So in short, delete this file and you should be good.
  18. Aslain's post in Cruise control was marked as the answer   
    You have installed the move UI elements mod. Uncheck it and reinstall the modpack if you don't want it.
  19. Aslain's post in Game freezing for 10-15 seconds, randomly, even on minimum graphics + at least once per session it crashes was marked as the answer   
    The logs end with memory shortage errors. It seems to be a local issue, although recently a few people reported problems with getting kicked out of battles, but that is most often caused by the XVM server, something I have no control over.
    Your screenshots are broken.
  20. Aslain's post in Clan icon on tanks switched to wagaming was marked as the answer   
    That clan is also on the official profile on wg page, so I guess someone from your clan did it, from what I know it's forbidden to use WG clan symbols in own clan, better sort it out quickly with your clan managment.
  21. Aslain's post in No Launch - Steam was marked as the answer   
    Try without:

                Gun sound packs
                   The World War II - Day after day (guns)
  22. Aslain's post in Show team WN8 w/chance to win chance not showing after update to .12 was marked as the answer   
    My mistake, I will try to solve this in next modpack version.
  23. Aslain's post in Cruise Control in Center/Right of screen next to modules instead of on left side. was marked as the answer   
    If you want to have Cruise Control in the default position, don't install the Move Gui elements option.
  24. Aslain's post in Problem po zakończeniu bitwy was marked as the answer   
    Masz jakies bledy, ale z czego one wynikaja ciezko powiedziec. Niby wymienine jest w nich klika modow, Kalkulator WN8 Protanki, Safe Shot of Oldskoola, Ostatnie Trafienia w Bitwie. Musisz sie pobawic usuwac jakies z tych modow, i moze to cos da?
    Widzę też że używasz moda od Overwolfa, on często powodował problemy z grą, sprawdź też bez tego.
  25. Aslain's post in WoWs Build Viewer Bug was marked as the answer   
    Was on my discord https://discord.com/channels/305615825413603338/1164598469516853320
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