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Posts posted by Kuraiko

  1. Tiny Update on this.


    I found out that the Garage Appearance icon only disappears, if you adjust the height. The width seems to be indifferent, i.e. I can stretch the windows as far as I want, but the icon doesn't disappear as long as the height is at 1535 pixels (most precise value I could find by stretching it little by little) or lower.


    I hope this information was helpful somehow.





    PS: Of course I can change the garage by setting a low resolution, and after changing it, set back the resolution to my standard value.

  2. Hey Aslain,


    thanks for your response.

    "Resolution" was a good idea!


    I usually play the game in window mode at a resolution of 3840x2066.

    Setting the resolution to 2560x1440 or lower, regardless of window or full screen mode, makes the icon visible. 


    If I set the game to window mode, choose the resolution of 2560x1440 and then draw the window bigger by pulling the edges, at one point the UI scales up. That'd be around 2827x1538. When the UI elements scale up at this point the Garage Appearance icon disappears.


    Here are two screenshots. Those are the most accurate values I could get by drawing the window bigger.

    Somewhere between those two resolutions the UI scales up and the icon disappears. It is also nowhere else to be found in the window.


    Resolution: 2824x1532



    Resolution: 2827x1538


  3. After installing the newest Mod Pack (v. I've noticed that the icon to choose the garage appearance disappeared.

    I checked twice if I checked the checkbox for the mod and installed the mod pack three times always with clean install and by letting it delete the download directory.

    I use custom mods, but they are the same as before; icons and a custom radial menu. In the previous versions of the mod pack, the Garage Appearance Mod worked flawless.







  4. That's kinda a relief to me ^^

    OK, got it. Maybe I can find my own way by playing around with XVM by my self a little. I guess it won't hurt to refresh my knowledge about it, for the last time I configured my own XVM setup was at patch 0.7.0... or so... 


    Well, thanks for the info Aslain :)

  5. Hello again.


    My problem from this thread is appearing once more.


    Now, it seems like some things have changed since that last time, because now the circumstances are a little bit different.

    The solution from last time was to uncheck the "Contour Icon" option under the OTM topic. Now these are seperated from each other.

    I've tried it with and without OTM and even tried to manually add the contour icons into the correct directory. Unchecking OTM completly makes the standard WoT Contour Icons appear above the tanks by the way.


    Of course I chose the "Clean Installation" everytime I tried something, so there be no intricacies.


    However, the custom Contour Icons are not shown above the tanks.

    I'll be so angry if it is something simple as the last time again, but I wouldn't ask here if I didn't try to find out by my self quite a time (about one hour or so).






  6. Hello Aslain, hey folks,


    so I've installed "PogS from Assassik - Color MAX FSR RLD VR". The icons are shown in the loading screen and in the panels and the battle statistics (TAB) in-game.

    But they're not shown above the tanks in-game and neither in the options tab, where I can see only the standard icons. 


    Also, if I add the contour icons manually or by adding it to the custom mods folder into "res_mods\\gui\maps\icons\vehicle\contour" they are indeed shown, but they're all colored green for allies and red for enemies (haven't taken a screenshot of this, yet, but will do if necessary)


    I've installed the mod pack by selecting Clear Installation and chose to delete the DLC cache folder... two times.

    I guess I've messed something up or chose mods which work against the contour icon mod, but there are so many in this pack, I couldn't find out what I might did wrong by my self >_<


    So, here you go with some screenshots. Logs are attached.















  7. 7 hours ago, MGIMATTY said:

    This can happen sometimes because of (en/de)coding issues. Suggested solution is you do it yourself or repack the mod files in a zip you made yourself (pref with windows or 7zip). 

    Made the zip myself and it's .zip files.

    But I guess you could be right. Maybe I'll try 7zip next time :P

  8. There we go ...


    So the issue came indeed from those weird named folder and file.

    They seemed to be related to my two custom mods.

    Now, I have to say two things:

    1. Those custom mods are just skins.
    2. They worked even in version with the previous MP Installer.
    3. Everything stopped to work with the newest version of Aslains ModPack.
    4. And on top of that, the skins STILL DO WORK when I unextract them by my self instead of letting the installer do so.
    5. If I extract them, there are also no folders and files created in the main folder, because there non to extraxt there ...

    Why is this happening?


    PS: UI Pack works perfect ;)

  9. 3 minutes ago, BlueKQ said:

    When did you download the modpack?  Aslain originally uploaded the wrong one as  Maybe you got the original one and it was for the wrong version of the game.

    I noticed that and I think I've downloaded it again ...


    I'll download the MP again, just to get sure.

  10. 36 minutes ago, BlueKQ said:

    Have you tried starting the game in "safe mode" by clicking on the arrow next to the "Play" button on the WOWS Launcher?



    Didn't work after installing the ModPack even after clearing the res_mods folder.

  11. 4 hours ago, BlueKQ said:

    If I read your logs correctly, you chose to install a UI pack, and other earlier options when the instructions clearly state that could be incompatible.  I would start by selecting the UI pack or other items, not both, and then seeing if you can get it to work.


    The UI Pack was the one I wanted to test out at first, too.

    Gonna let you know what I find out.


    Edit 1: It wasn't the UI Pack.


    Edit 1: It wasn't the UI Pack.

    Edit 2: It wasn't a sound mod.

    I've noticed some weird stuff now. 

    There is a folder and a text file which are named with crypted symbols as well as some .dds files both in the WoWS main folder which weren't there in previous versions of this ModPack.

    I've double checked the Mods and wanted to use and I don't use any new mods which I didn''t used before. Actually, the UI Pack was the only one that I changed since the last version, but I gonna continue research on this.

    Here's a screenshot of my main folder:



    Edit 3: Can't delete attached files ...

    Edit 4: It's none of the Mods listed under "Miscellaneous Mods".



  12. 1 hour ago, Grandorf said:



    Something is making Windows give error. 


    You could try eliminating the troubled mod 

    by testing 1 at a time, start with soundmods 

    if sound is the issue in this case.


    I had to reinstall the whole game everytime ...


    Well, I'll try a few. Maybe Aslain can read something in the Logs?

  13. 22 minutes ago, Grandorf said:



    Some good oldfashioned updating of drivers and Windows

    Windows is always up to date. Last Updates made yesterday.

    Drivers work fine. I updated the GeForce Drivers just today. Everything is fine with it. I.e. I can play any other game without issues.

    As for all other windows drivers: Never change a running system. And it is running :)

  14. Hey Aslain,


    I have a tiny little problem which prevents me from playing WoWS with your ModPack or playing it at all.


    After installing the latest version of your ModPack today (Aslains_WoWs_ModPack_Installer_v. this error occurrs after clicking "Play" in the WoWS Launcher:





    (Want spoiler BB-Code ...)


    This message still appears if I clear the res_mods folder completly.

    This message still appears if I uninstall the ModPack via unins001.exe.

    This message does not appear any longer after uninstalling and reinstalling WoWS and starting it without the ModPack.

    After I installed the ModPack again, the message re-appeared.


    Logs attached.


    I'd especially like to know how to fix this error without reinstalling WoWS again :)





  15. There we go - I'M DUMB XD


    So after trying your solution, which didn't work, I got the idea that I might have intalled a sound mod overlapping the one included in your mod pack, so I checked out my custom mods aaaaand... there was another crew voice mod in it.

    Must be something from version 9.11 or something, cause that's the last time I was playing WoT.


    Of course it is working perfectly now.


    Guess I hadn't tryed this out if you hadn't answered so thanks for your time  :)

  16. Hello there,


    the ECVS Mod doesn't seem to work.
    The installation runs fine (everything belonging to the Mod pack is also in the whitelist of my firewall) and all other Mods are working fine as well.
    I can also select all the different crew voices, but it'll always play the standard voice; in the example and in combat, too.
    I'm also using the latest Mod pack version which is "9.14.01" at this time.
    So, am I doing somehting wrong or is it the Mod which is not working? Looking forward for any help.
    Logs and screenshot are attached of course.
    PS: Just to have it mentioned: that link to the "INTEGRITY CHECK" How to report a bug or issue post isn't working as well. Dunno if it's important and if you knew, but now you know if you didn't ^^




  17. Hey folks,


    somehow I managed to mess up with the vehicle names on the minimap. As you can see in the screenshot below there are overlapping vehicle names.

    One is the short the other the full name. I've double checked all the ticks in the ModPack but couldn't find which one I ticked wrong. As far as I know I'm only using 'Show only vehicle names - short' as shown in the second screenshot below.


    Any idea what I've done wrong?






    shot_064.jpg Aslains_ModPack_Minimap_overlaying_vehicle_names.jpg



  18. Hiho Aslain  ^_^
    Since there's no template on how you want to have a request be written ...
    I would like to have an option that changes the damage color of the HP bar. 
    By that I mean the change of color when a tank is hit and it shows the difference between the HP before the hit and after for a short time.
    The values therefor can be found in the 'colors.xc' of course.
    Right now I'm always changing the required values by myself to make the color all white regardless of who is hitting any tank.
    Like this:

      "def": {
        "al": "0xFFFFFF",
        "sq": "0xFFFFFF",
        "tk": "0xFFFFFF",
        "en": "0xFFFFFF",
        "pl": "0xFFFFFF",
        "damage": {
    	  "ally_ally_hit":              ${"def.tk"},
          "ally_ally_kill":             ${"def.tk"},
          "ally_ally_blowup":           ${"def.tk"},
          "ally_squadman_hit":          ${"def.tk"},
          "ally_squadman_kill":         ${"def.tk"},
          "ally_squadman_blowup":       ${"def.tk"},
          "ally_enemy_hit":             ${"def.en"},
          "ally_enemy_kill":            ${"def.en"},
          "ally_enemy_blowup":          ${"def.en"},
          "ally_allytk_hit":            ${"def.tk"},
          "ally_allytk_kill":           ${"def.tk"},
          "ally_allytk_blowup":         ${"def.tk"},
          "ally_enemytk_hit":           ${"def.en"},
          "ally_enemytk_kill":          ${"def.en"},
          "ally_enemytk_blowup":        ${"def.en"},
          "squadman_ally_hit":          ${"def.tk"},
          "squadman_ally_kill":         ${"def.tk"},
          "squadman_ally_blowup":       ${"def.tk"},
          "squadman_squadman_hit":      ${"def.tk"},
          "squadman_squadman_kill":     ${"def.tk"},
          "squadman_squadman_blowup":   ${"def.tk"},
          "squadman_enemy_hit":         ${"def.en"},
          "squadman_enemy_kill":        ${"def.en"},
          "squadman_enemy_blowup":      ${"def.en"},
          "squadman_allytk_hit":        ${"def.tk"},
          "squadman_allytk_kill":       ${"def.tk"},
          "squadman_allytk_blowup":     ${"def.tk"},
          "squadman_enemytk_hit":       ${"def.en"},
          "squadman_enemytk_kill":      ${"def.en"},
          "squadman_enemytk_blowup":    ${"def.en"},
          "enemy_ally_hit":             ${"def.al"},
          "enemy_ally_kill":            ${"def.al"},
          "enemy_ally_blowup":          ${"def.al"},
          "enemy_squadman_hit":         ${"def.sq"},
          "enemy_squadman_kill":        ${"def.sq"},
          "enemy_squadman_blowup":      ${"def.sq"},
          "enemy_enemy_hit":            ${"def.en"},
          "enemy_enemy_kill":           ${"def.en"},
          "enemy_enemy_blowup":         ${"def.en"},
          "enemy_allytk_hit":           ${"def.al"},
          "enemy_allytk_kill":          ${"def.al"},
          "enemy_allytk_blowup":        ${"def.al"},
          "enemy_enemytk_hit":          ${"def.en"},
          "enemy_enemytk_kill":         ${"def.en"},
          "enemy_enemytk_blowup":       ${"def.en"},
          "unknown_ally_hit":           ${"def.al"},
          "unknown_ally_kill":          ${"def.al"},
          "unknown_ally_blowup":        ${"def.al"},
          "unknown_squadman_hit":       ${"def.sq"},
          "unknown_squadman_kill":      ${"def.sq"},
          "unknown_squadman_blowup":    ${"def.sq"},
          "unknown_enemy_hit":          ${"def.en"},
          "unknown_enemy_kill":         ${"def.en"},
          "unknown_enemy_blowup":       ${"def.en"},
          "unknown_allytk_hit":         ${"def.al"},
          "unknown_allytk_kill":        ${"def.al"},
          "unknown_allytk_blowup":      ${"def.al"},
          "unknown_enemytk_hit":        ${"def.en"},
          "unknown_enemytk_kill":       ${"def.en"},
          "unknown_enemytk_blowup":     ${"def.en"},
          "player_ally_hit":            ${"def.pl"},
          "player_ally_kill":           ${"def.pl"},
          "player_ally_blowup":         ${"def.pl"},
          "player_squadman_hit":        ${"def.pl"},
          "player_squadman_kill":       ${"def.pl"},
          "player_squadman_blowup":     ${"def.pl"},
          "player_enemy_hit":           ${"def.pl"},
          "player_enemy_kill":          ${"def.pl"},
          "player_enemy_blowup":        ${"def.pl"},
          "player_allytk_hit":          ${"def.pl"},
          "player_allytk_kill":         ${"def.pl"},
          "player_allytk_blowup":       ${"def.pl"},
          "player_enemytk_hit":         ${"def.pl"},
          "player_enemytk_kill":        ${"def.pl"},
          "player_enemytk_blowup":      ${"def.pl"}



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