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Everything posted by bubs79

  1. should i disable my virus software (avira) and firewall when downloading the installer and when running the game?? meaning that it maybe blocking some stuff or can i set it to allow ? my laptop is pretty new . ok i disabled my antivirus and firewall did a reinstall of mods , entered the game , played a battle , noticed the game was fuzzy so pressed recommended graphics settings and it set it to low my fps jumped up to 36 from usualy 18-20. closed the game and checked the ptyhon logs , still same errors maybe im looking into it too much as everything seems to be running ok when im playing but heres latest logs
  2. the game runs ok and the mods seem to be working apart from pmods penetration indicator . also sounds don't work on arty when in battle assistant view heres python log for u to look at python.log _Aslain_logs.zip
  3. i thought that that was the problem , when the new game update comes i knw they are adding a carasoul mod into the game so maybe the rows will fit the way i was wanting . this is the carousel.xc file . is this where i would need to change the values ? if so could you tell me what ones need to be changed , bear in mind i have the advanced info mod on { "carousel": { // false - Disable customizable carousel. "enabled": true, // Scale of carousel cells. "zoom": 0.8, // Number of rows at carousel. "rows": 4, // Spacing between carousel cells. "padding": { "horizontal": 1, "vertical": 1 }, // true - show filters only if all tanks do not fit on the screen. "alwaysShowFilters": true, // true - hide cell "Buy tank". "hideBuyTank": false, // true - hide cell "Buy slot". "hideBuySlot": false, // Visibility filters. "filters": { // false - hide filter. "nation": { "enabled": true }, // nation "type": { "enabled": true }, // vehicle class "level": { "enabled": true }, // vehicle level "favorite": { "enabled": true }, // favorite tanks "prefs": { "enabled": true } // other filters }, // Standard cell elements. "fields": { // "visible" - the visibility of the element // "dx" - horizontal shift // "dy" - vertical shift // "alpha" - transparency // "scale" - scale // // Vehicle class icon. "tankType": { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, // Vehicle level. "level": { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, "multiXp": { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, "xp": { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, // Vehicle name. "tankName": { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, "statusText": { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 }, "clanLock": { "visible": true, "dx": 0, "dy": 0, "alpha": 100, "scale": 1 } }, "extraFields": [ { "x": 41, "y": 0, "format": "<b><font size='11' color='#C8C8B5'>{{v.battletiermin}}-{{v.battletiermax}}</font></b>", "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 3, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 } }, { "x": 101, "y": 35, "format": "<font face='$FieldFont' size='12' color='{{v.c_damageRating}}'>{{v.damageRating%4.2f~%}}</font>", "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 5, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 } }, { "x": 100, "y": 11, "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/proficiency/class_icons_{{v.mastery}}.png' width='23' height='23'>" }, { "x": 2, "y": 15, "format": "<font face='xvm' size='13' color='#CCCCCC'>B</font> <b><font size='12' face='$FieldFont' color='{{v.c_winrate}}'>{{v.winrate%2d~%|--}}</font></b>", "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 5, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 } }, { "x": 1, "y": 30, "format": "<font face='xvm' size='13' color='#CCCCCC'>R</font> <b><font size='12' face='$FieldFont' color='{{v.c_battles}}'>{{v.battles|--}}</font></b>", "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 5, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 } }, { "x": 2, "y": 45, "format": "<font face='xvm' size='13' color='#CCCCCC'>A</font> <b><font size='12' face='$FieldFont' color='{{v.c_wn8effd}}'>{{v.tdb%-4d|--}}</font></b>", "shadow": { "color": "0x000000", "alpha": 0.8, "blur": 2, "strength": 5, "distance": 0, "angle": 0 } }, { "x": 40, "y": 45, "format": "<font face='xvm' size='13' color='#CCCCCC'>+</font> <b><font face='$FieldFont' size='12'><font color='#60FF00'>{{v.wn8expd%-4d|--}}</font></b>", "shadow": {"blur":8, "strength": 3} } ], // Order of nations. //"nations_order": ["ussr", "germany", "usa", "france", "uk", "china", "japan", "czech"], "nations_order": [], // Order of types of vehicles. "types_order": ["lightTank", "mediumTank", "heavyTank", "AT-SPG", "SPG"], // Tank sorting criteria, available options: (minus = reverse order) // "nation", "type", "level", "maxBattleTier", "premium", "-level", "-maxBattleTier", "-premium" "sorting_criteria": ["nation", "type", "level"], // Suppress the tooltips for tanks in carousel "suppressCarouselTooltips": false } }
  4. yeh I can live without changing the panel etc , the lines I think are a graphics problem , I don't have a high end laptop . only imtel core i3, 1 tb hdd 8 gig ram and graphics card is hd5500 I have settings at recommended usually medium . I had those lines from the first day I started playing lol itthey only appear now and again
  5. thanks for replies guys I think i'll give it a miss as I don't have a clue about changing codes etc my laptop is 1366x768 . have game set a t full screen , I did try selecting the resolution from the mod pack and the panel was like how I wanted it but other mods were all over the place also thanks quaksen for helping me change wording for carasoul . i'd like to ask I tried changing the size of the carasoul boxes from 0.8 to 0.6 so I can fit 4 rows in nicely , it worked but then some numbers and the mastery badge were half showing as were over the edge of box , is there a way of stretching the boxes? this screen would be fine but as u can see the damage panel is in wrong place
  6. hi aslain or quaksen , is there a way changing the size of the panel (the height) as u can see from pic chat covers it and hides some of the panel thanks in advance
  7. sorry to jump on post but quakson can yu tell me how to customize the reserve name please?
  8. i use number 11 . thanks . yeh that would be helpful i will mention though i did find cross hair files in here C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\\gui\scaleform so i copied them to my desktop then updated the modpack to latest version. i tested the game and i must say the battle loading was quicker entering the battle at 30 secs instead of usually 18-20 secs i noticed the custom crosshair i used was inactive. i then closed the game and pasted the cross hair file into the above folder , started game battle loading was still quick and the custom croshair is now woking. i will say though my python log has lots of errors in it can u help me out with it every mod i use seems to be working ok heere is my logs python.l.txt xvm.log
  9. i want to keep modpack up to date , but is there a way of keeping the custom crosshairs as it works fine for me ? can i copy the files from previous modpack and put them in after i update?
  10. yeh my ctd started after the music mod two steps from hell was installed , not had a ctd since removing
  11. i also have game crashes after updating to latest mod versions , I added the new music but have now removed it as I think that was the cause of the crashing .
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